標題: 綜合大學永續性指標之建立
Development of Sustainability Indicators for a University
作者: 林泉宏
Lin, Chuan-Hung
Kao, Jehng-Jung
關鍵字: 綠色大學、綜合大學永續指標評量、能源與溫室氣體、水資源、毒性物質、生態綠覆面積、綠建築、固體廢棄物、及生態足跡;Green university, university sustainability assessment, energy and greenhouse gases, water resources, toxic chemicals , biotope area factor, green building, solid waste, and ecological footprint.
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 永續校園是當前國內外不少大學所重視的議題。唯國內目前並沒有指標系統可供評估校園的永續性。尤其是針對綜合大學,其所須考量的面向更多且較複雜,如何建立一套系統化方法評估之是當前的重要研究議題。 本研究因而針對綜合大學提出一套指標系統以評估其永續性,首先就綜合大學的特性建立適當的篩選程序,以供選擇適當的指標,然後探討能源與溫室氣體、水資源、毒性物質、生態綠覆率、綠建築、固體廢棄物、生態足跡等指標的適用性及建立可用以評估綜合大學的指標系統。能源與溫室氣體主要以能源耗用為主;水資源則依其他研究所建議的物質流方法分析;毒性物質是依高濃度有害廢液實驗人數計算人均產量;生態綠覆率是採用德國柏林市所提出的有效綠覆率分析;綠建築指標則依取得綠建築證書的建築數計算;固體廢棄物是依人均量評估;生態足跡是是依碳足跡轉換涵容土地面積的方法分析。所建立的指標系統除了可評估校園的永續性,亦可作為校園研擬永續發展策略及相關績效考核的重要依據。 本研究以一個綜合大學為案例,以所建立綜合大學永續性指標系統示範應用各指標及評估各指標在案例校園的適用性,依所收集到的資料計算出校園溫室氣體人均年排放量約2.79噸;用水年人均量為50.31~52.06度間,高濃度有害廢液與固體廢棄物年人均量則分別為6.25~9.77公斤及98.18~103.95公斤,均逐年提高;生態綠覆率指標值為0.2,仍未達德國BAF指標的0.3建議值;校園目前無合格綠建築,有待改善;生態足跡約為現有校園84倍,表示案例學校仍有頗大的改善空間,需要持續改善。所發展的指標系統可適用於案例學校,亦預期符合目前國內綜合大學用以評估校園永續性的需求,及可作為研擬校園永續發展策略的重要依據。
Sustainable campus is a worldwide essential issue for a university to pursue. However, no indicator system is currently available for evaluating the sustainability of local universities in Taiwan. Furthermore, some of the universities include science, engineering, and other colleges, the dimensions of sustainability assessment are thus complicated. Therefore, a set of indicators for assessing the university sustainability were developed in this study. For criteria were first proposed for selecting proper indicators. Then, the applicabilities of the indicators in seven dimensions were evaluated. The seven indicators include energy and greenhouse gases (GHGs), water resources, toxic chemicals, biotope area factor (BAF), green building, solid waste, and ecological footprint (EF). The energy and GHG indicator was primarily determined based on the energy consumption. The water resources indicator was computed by a material flow analysis. The toxic chemicals indicator was estimated according to the amount of waste solvents generated and the numbers of laboratories and persons in the laboratories. The BAF indicator was determined based on various green covers on campus. The green building indicator was computed based on the ratio of certificated buildings. The solid waste indicator was primarily estimated from the amount of waste per capita. The EF indicator was estimated based on the carbon footprint and consumption of several major resources. The proposed indicators are expected to assess the campus sustainability and subsequently assist a university in planning appropriate policies and actions for improving its sustainability. The proposed indicators were applied to a local university for demonstrating the applicability of the indicators. For the university, the annual GHG emissions per capita is 2.79 tons. The annual water usage per capita is 50.31 to 52.06 cubic meters. The amounts of hazardous waste solvents and solid waste per capita are 6.25 ~ 9.77 kg and 98.18 ~ 103.95 kg, respectively, and they are gradually increasing. The BAF indicator is 0.2, less than the Germany recommended value of 0.3. No building was certified as a green building and should be improved. The EF is about 84 times of the campus area. The assessment result shows that the university has to improve its sustainability constantly. The proposed indicators are suitable for assessing the sustainability of the university and should be applicable also for other similar universities.


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