標題: 最佳策略組合及風險管理--以台灣LCD-TV產業為例
Optimal Strategy Portfolio and Risk Management--Case Study of Taiwan LCD-TV Industry
作者: 黃肇達
Dr. Liu , Shang-Jyh
關鍵字: 策略管理;風險管理;策略組合;液晶電視;strategy management;risk management;strategy portfolio;TFT-LCD TV
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 企業在經營時,常會因為環境的不確定性而面臨營業風險、策略風險、財務風險等三大類的風險。適度的承擔經營風險可讓企業建立核心競爭力,但錯誤的策略風險評估,可能讓一個體質良好的企業,因組織型態及資源分配的不當,而面臨失敗的命運。台灣在成功的發展半導體產業後,開始以製造的優勢發展平面液晶顯示器產業。在台灣廠商以與代工模式相同的策略思維,大量投資TFT-LCD生產線的時候,卻沒有一套管理工具,可以協助廠商評估跨入TFT-LCD產業時會遭遇到的各種風險及處置風險的方法。本研究之目的在於,利用財務工程中風險管理的概念,發展出一套「策略風險管理模型」,以做為台灣TFT-LCD TV企業評估策略風險及處置策略風險的管理工具,並協助台灣TFT-LCD TV企業規劃出最佳的策略組合。在本研中,「策略風險」的定義為: 在形成策略時,所應考慮的各種會影響策略目標的變異因子。本研究發現,若整合一般風險管理模型的基本架構與財務風險管理的避險原理,可成功發展出企業策略風險管理模型與最佳策略組合的方法。本研究將發展出的策略風險管理模型應用於台灣TFT-LCD TV產業後發現,市場風險、關鍵技術創新風險與資本密集投資風險為影響台灣TFT-LCD TV產業重要且緊急的三大風險。本研究建議可利用「風險交換」與「風險分散」等處置方法,發展出台灣TFT-LCD TV產業的風險管理的最佳化策略組合。
When corporation is operating, it would encounter operational risk, strategic risk and financial risk because of the uncertainty of environment. If corporation can take proper risk , corporation can build up core competence. However , corporation could fail if corporation does not manage risks properly. After the success of Taiwan’s semiconductor foundry industry , corporations are investing intensively to TFT-LCD industry by the same manufacturing-base core competence although they do not evaluate the strategic risk systematically. The objective of this research is to build up a ‘strategic risk management model’ by applying the concepts in financial engineering and to help Taiwan’s TFT-LCD TV corporations to develop optimal strategy portfolio for risk management. In this resarch, ‘strategic risk’ can be defined as factors which will effect the goal of the strategy. After applying ‘strategic risk management model’ to Taiwan’s TFT-LCD TV industry, the critical risks can be identified by this research. They are risk of marketing, risk of technology innovation and risk of intensive investment. This research suggests that Taiwan’s TFT-LCD TV corporations can form optimal strategy portfolio for these risks by proper risk handling techniques such as ‘risk exchange’ and ‘risk diversification’.


  1. 551601.pdf

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