Title: 現實的移動模式去模擬蜂巢式網路
Realistic Mobility Model for Cellular Networks Simulation
Authors: 游永裕
You, Yung-Yu
Tien, Po-Lung
Keywords: 蜂巢式網路;移動模式;離散事件模擬;cellular networks;SUMO;UML;discrete event simulation
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 透過SUMO 達到快速且逼真的產生節點的移動汽車,並將這汽車應用在模擬蜂巢式網路,配合不同的通話控制機制,達成模擬結果。一個模擬系統是一些 具有相互屬性的集合,例如手機、基地台和車輛,利用這些基本屬性的角色與功能的表達,可以達到表現一個合理的目的與結果。 結合不同的離散事件模擬軟體SUMO 和Rhapsody,需要注意時間的排程,相關的流程。透過這次的結合,了解離散事件模擬原理是一樣的。之後如果需要整合其它離散事件軟體也是一樣的方法。 使用UML 能加強我們對程式的規畫,且能有效的減少大量的程式碼,使程式變的明瞭,利用循序圖(Sequence Diagram)推得狀態圖(State Diagram),減少程式容易發生的錯誤。
Through SUMO achieved the rapid generation of realistic mobility vehicle node, and the vehicles used in the simulation of cellular networks, with a different call admission control to reach the simulation results. A simulation system is some of the collections which have mutual properties, such as mobile phone, base station and vehicle, use these basic properties of the role and function of the expression, can achieve a reasonable purpose and results. Combining different discrete event simulation softwares SUMO and Rhapsody, take note of the time of scheduling, and the related processes. Through this combination, we understand the same principle of discrete event simulation. If need to integrate other softwares in the future, there is the same way to achieve. Using UML to enhance us to plan the program, and effectively reduces a lot of program code, makes the program to become clear, makes full use of sequence diagram to push state diagram, reduces the error of the program.
Appears in Collections:Thesis