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dc.contributor.author張 翼en_US
dc.contributor.authorEdward Changen_US
dc.description.abstract依據美國職業安全衛生部OSHA 的資料統計顯示:因未預期釋放之能量造成的工安事故,包含感電、切傷、撞傷、擦傷、撕裂傷、乃至造成死亡事故,平均每件事故損失達24天,其發生的主要原因為動力能源未能於工作之前作有效之『釋放』、『隔離』、『掛簽』等防護而造成了職業災害。可惜的是國內目前並未針對此類型職業災害作出統計、預防或是特別的防範宣導等相關配套措施,這即是學生提出本研究之動機。

本研究主體為國內某矽晶圓製造廠,該廠原係國內第一大民營公司與美國矽晶圓製造大廠MEMC JV(Joint Venture)於民國85年在新竹科學園區成立全國第一家八吋矽晶圓製造廠,並於民國86年2月產出中華民國第一根八吋矽晶棒,其後所產出之八吋矽晶圓片絕大部分提供國內各電子業界原料之用,另該廠並於民國93年2月成為美國獨資之外商企業。

研究進行之初,學生苦於目前國內介紹動力能源上鎖掛簽制度Lockout/Tagout推動之相關資料極為稀少,故先參考美國矽晶圓製造大廠MEMC ESH WORLDWIDE GUIDELINES 中的 CONTROL OF HAZARDOUS ENERGY(LOCKOUT)PROCESS為出發點,並大量參考OSHA Regulation、SEMI Safety Guideline、及其他國內外學界、業界、與安全用具製造廠商等資料後,篩選適用於矽晶圓製造廠使用之資料進行本制度之研究與建置。

dc.description.abstractAccording to US OHSA historic database, there were a lot of injuries caused by improper isolation hazardous energy sources. In most of these injury cases, operators, maintenance engineers, or contractors were hurt with laceration, scratch, hit, cut, puncture or even fatality due to the improper isolation. The average lost workdays per case was twenty-four days. The major reasons for the above-mentioned injuries was due to the energy sources was not effectively released, isolated or tagged with warning sign. Since there is a lack of statistics in Taiwan industry, preventive measures and appropriate trainings on Lockout/Tagout practice, this study on presents the first practice of this subject in Taiwan industry.

The data of this study were collected from a local eight inches silicon wafer manufacturer, which is an US & Taiwan Joint Venture Company founded in 1996. The company produced the first eight inches silicon ingot in February 1996 and started to ship products to customers IC makers mainly in Taiwan. In February 2004, the Company becomes 100% owned by the US shareholders.

Due to the limited available literatures on Lockout/Tagout management in Taiwan, I benchmarked my workplace’s safety guideline- CONTROL OF HAZARDOUS ENERGY(LOCKOUT)PROCESS with US OSHA regulations, SEMI Standards, local and international academic institutes, industries & personal protective equipment suppliers to establish the management study on the lockout/tagout of hazardous energy for the high-tech factories.

This study shows that the silicon wafer manufacturer lost 124 workdays during 1997 to 1999 due to injuries caused by not adopting logout/tagout process. After introducing the lockout/tagout process in 2000, no more re-occurrence injuries happened from 2000 to 2003. It proves that lockout/tagout process is highly helpful in enhancing the safety management performance for the silicon wafer manufacturer.
dc.titleStudy on the Establishment of Hazardous Energy Source Lockout/Tagout Management System for Silicon Wafer Manufacturing Industryen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis