DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorKao, Mu-Chiaen_US
dc.contributor.authorWang, Min-Chiuanen_US
dc.description.abstract中文摘要 隨著網路科技與web 2.0的興起,提供使用者相互交流、分享生活與資訊的社群網站逐漸成為各式web 2.0網站發展的主力。而在眾多社群網站中,又以Facebook的發展最受人矚目。自2004年成立至今不過六年,Facebook已成為擁有全球超過六億使用者的最大社群網站;然而,Facebook不斷鼓勵使用者於站上分享並揭露、利用個人資料之行為,卻可能對年輕、尚未對隱私風險有足夠認知的「數位原生代」族群使用者造成無法預見的巨大威脅。故本研究將以社群網站中之主流即Facebook中,使用者之隱私究竟應如何保護之問題為探討主軸。首先,本研究將探討社群網站崛起、壯大的原因與特色,並分析Facebook特有的功能與發展。接著回顧隱私保護理論的起源與各種不同概念,並以Daniel Solove教授所提出之新型態隱私保護架構探究前述不同理論之缺失,尋找處理社群網站隱私問題時可能較為有用之隱私概念架構。再者,本研究將說明Facebook可能對使用者所造成的隱私風險為何,何以傳統隱私概念或將個人資料視為財產權等方式皆無法解決目前之問題;尤其,年輕且生活與網路緊密相連的數位原生代更可能成為社群網站下隱私侵害的最大犧牲者。最後,本研究將透過比較美國、歐盟及台灣針對隱私及個人資料保護法制之規範比較,企圖尋找我國面臨社群網站使用者隱私保護之巨大挑戰時,應該選擇的方向。本研究認為,雖〈個人資料保護法〉已於99年4月大幅修正,然面對社群網站可能對使用者造成之個人資料侵害卻仍因無個人資料保護專責機構而未竟全功,故若欲真正於規範面、執行面上處理社群網站使用者之個人資料保護問題,專責機構的立即建立與介入乃當務之急。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT(英文摘要) As the development of the Internet technology and Web 2.0, social networking services (SNS) which provide users platforms for interpersonal communication and information-sharing gradually become the core service for assorted Web 2.0 applications. Among the mushrooming SNS, the success of Facebook is the most spotlighted. Launched in 2004, Facebook has become the world’s leading SNS website with over 600 million active users. Nevertheless, with its nature of encouraging users to share, unveil, and access personal data, Facebook website could create potential risks to the ignorant Digital Native youngsters who have little knowledge about protecting their personal privacy. Hence, this study mainly discussed how users’ privacy of mainstream SNS such as Facebook should be protected. First, this study probed into the rise and expansion of various SNS sites, and analyzed the fascination of Facebook which no other SNS provides. Then, it reviewed the origin of privacy protection theories and different theoretical framework. It used Daniel Solove’s new taxonomy about privacy invasion to examine the deficiency of former theories and to search for a better result in dealing with SNS privacy risks. In addition, this study also argued that Facebook could put users’ privacy at risks, explaining why traditional regulations of treating personal privacy as “private property” cannot solve present legal issues, and that the Digital Natives whose life are connected to the Web could become the privacy violation victims of SNS. Last but not least, this study compared the regulations in the U.S., European Union and Taiwan that had set up for protecting personal information in order to search for a solution in mending users’ privacy policy loopholes on SNS sites. This study concluded that although our Personal Data Protection Law was amended vastly in April 2010, no authority has executive power addressed by the Act to actually protect SNS users in Taiwan. Therefore, if our government officials would truly want to regulate SNS sites and protect mass users’ personal data, establishing an institute that responses to its publics’ need should be the pressing action.en_US
dc.subjectsocial networking sitesen_US
dc.subjectDigital Nativeen_US
dc.titleLegal Analysis of Privacy Protection on Social Networking Sites: A Case Study on Facebooken_US