標題: 二階動態系統之適應性順滑模態控制器設計
Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller Design for a Second-Order Dynamic System
作者: 盧璟照
Lu, Jiing-Jaw
Chen, Yon-Ping
關鍵字: 二階動態系統之適應性順滑模態控制器設計;Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller Design for a Second-Order Dynamic System
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本論文研製二階動態系統之適應性順滑模態控制器,主要為改善傳統順滑模態控制設計時,必須事先掌握未知參數上限的缺點,結合適應性法則,以即時估測的方式取得系統的未知參數。在本論文中,根據系統特性的差異歸納出三種情況,分別提出不同的適應性順滑模態控制方式,以解決高增益輸入、外界干擾、估測誤差等問題,其中包括三個設計步驟,首先給定適當的參考模型,其次是選定順滑模態函數,並依據不同的系統特性設計里奧波諾夫函數,最後再求得適應性順滑模態控制法則。為了驗證適應性順滑模態控制器的可行性,以常見的二階MBK機械系統進行數值模擬,從模擬結果中可以看出系統的響應確實對外界干擾具有強健性,而且高增益輸入的問題也可獲得改善,至於系統的未知參數,也可經由適應性法則來降低其估測誤差。 關鍵字:順滑模態控制,適應控制
This thesis proposes an adaptive sliding mode controller design to deal with the limitation of traditional sliding mode control, which requires the upper bound of unknown parameters. Most importantly, with the adaptive law the unknown parameters can be estimated in real time. There are three approaches developed for three cases with different system parameters and disturbances. These approaches can solve the high gain problem, reject the external disturbances, and reduce the estimation error. Furthermore, three design steps are also included to set an appropriate reference model, to choose suitable sliding function, and to design the adaptive sliding mode control. To demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed scheme, numerical simulation is applied to a MBK system. From the simulation results, the adaptive sliding mode controller is indeed robust to the disturbances, faced no high gain problem, and available to estimate the unknown parameters with smaller estimation error. Keywords:Sliding Mode Control,Adaptive Control


  1. 754101.pdf

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