Title: | 整合式接取設備之設計與實作 Design and Implementation of an Integrated Access Device |
Authors: | 黃新堯 Huang, Hsin-Yao 蔡文能 林正中 Tsai, Wen-Nung Lin, Cheng-Chung 資訊學院資訊學程 |
Keywords: | 網路服務供應商;IP網路;路由器;寬頻網路;網路電話;ISP;IP Network;Router;xDSL;VoIP |
Issue Date: | 2011 |
Abstract: | 由於網際網路的蓬勃發展使得網路的普及性大為提升,加以各項網路應用技術的提升與演進,使得利用IP網路的各類型服務如VoIP與IPTV服務等也以倍數在成長。另外,各類型的網路服務供應商(ISP)也提供了不同的寬頻網路存取模式,例如ADSL2、VDSL2、Cable、3G、WiMax、LTE或是WiFi。在這種多元服務的環境下,很多終端使用者可能同時擁有二種以上的網路存取方式,例如會同時擁有固接式的寬頻網路與具移動性的行動網路服務。 為了因應終端用戶的需求,各家網通業者也開始提供整合多網系統(Multi-WAN)的家用路由器(Home Router)。例如比較常見的有xDSL搭配3G/LTE服務,或是同時擁有RJ-45與WiFi連網功能。終端使用者只需採購一部小型家用路由器就可以整合各種連網的方式達到隨時隨地使用網路服務。 本研究就是基於這樣的家用網路設備需求,嘗試設計並且開發各項整合式的管理模組來整合多網系統與各種服務。除了做頻寬分享與差異性的類別管理,我們也整合VoIP與PSTN介面與服務,並整合相關的語音通訊與傳統PSTN間的轉換服務。在IPTV方面,我們也設計一種可以降低網路負擔的系統,並且在QoS的頻寬保證模式下達到優質的使用者經驗。在整合各項網路介面方面,我們也設計了一套可以在各網路介面間進行切換的機制,並且發展出一種在網路不穩定或斷線時可以進行快速網路轉換的模式。 With the rapid growth of Internet technologies, the bandwidth becomes faster and cheaper, and thus more Internet application services are introduced. There are different ways of accessing the Internet using a broadband connection. For the fixed broadband access technologies, the most populated ways are ADSL2+ , VDSL2 and Cable Modem; and some countries provide FTTH to home service and can provide up to 1 Gbps broadband services. For the mobile parts, the 3G, WiMax and LTE technologies are hot in recent years and more and more users apply mobile services for Internet access. Due to this trend, there are Internet access devices which integrated multiple WAN interfaces into a box, we named it Multiple-WAN Internet access device. With such device, user can use different WAN access at the same time or switch to other interface while one interface is failed. Besides, the VoIP and IPTV services are also become popular because the broadband services are getting cheaper. In order to integrate VoIP and IPTV services into a device, there is a new term named Triple play service created. The triple play service means that the services include data, VoIP and IPTV streaming. The IAD (Integrated Access Device) is introduced for this service purpose. Usually an IAD integrates at least a broadband service, a FXS VoIP phone interface and an application to serve IPTV streaming. In our study, we design and implement an IAD and introduce useful and powerful modules to manage these different interfaces. The experimental results show that we can provide a high quality performance and user experiences with our IAD implementation. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/40982 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |