標題: 台灣家庭網路設備廠商之個案研究
Case Study of a Home Networking Manufacturer in Taiwan
作者: 劉曉佳
Hsiao-Chia Liu
Hsiao-Cheng Yu
關鍵字: 路由器;無線區域網路;網路電話;數位家庭;Router;WLAN;VoIP;Digital Home
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 台灣廠商憑藉彈性製造、快速設計與成本控制的能力,已成為全球家庭網路設備製造代工(OEM)與設計代工(ODM)的生產重鎮,藉由為國際大廠代工,得以在國際產業分工體系中佔有一席之地。 本研究透過家庭網路設備製造廠商建漢科技之個案研究,觀察個案公司之成長軌跡,深入瞭解其如何面對產業激烈競爭與未來挑戰。本研究採用個案研究法與專家訪談法,並進行六力分析與SWOT分析,以產業次級資料與專家訪談心得為基礎;並蒐集無線通訊技術發展現況,以及無線區域網路、網路電話、寬頻通訊與多媒體網路等相關領域之市場資料;此外亦針對個案公司之成立背景、歷史演進、經營團隊、產品規劃、客戶分佈、競爭者動態、財務績效與經營策略進行分析,以探討建漢科技面對的外在環境機會與威脅,以及內部競爭力之優劣勢。 本論文研究發現個案公司之所以能成為台灣家庭網路設備產業的領導廠商之一,肇因於無線網路產業起飛之初,已掌握技術門檻高的路由(Routing)技術、與潛力客戶Linksys成為合作夥伴、購併宇太網訊、擁有母公司集團資源,以及與適時調整產品線,為其因應產業快速變動與面對激烈競爭之策略。研究建議個案公司在未來經營上可著重以下四點以提升核心競爭力:1)建立完善管理制度;2)整合研發資源;3)提高產品附加價值;4)與服務供應商策略聯盟。
Through a case study of a home networking OEM/ODM company in Taiwan, this research observed how the company reacted to the intense competition and challenges in the industry. The case study summarized and analyzed the case company in terms of its background, management team, product planning, major customers, key competitors, financial performances and competitive strategies. The opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses of the case company were analyzed. The key factors contributed to the case company's success in the home networking business are four. The first is its mastery of the high-entry-barrier routing technology; the second is its strong partnership with Linksys, the largest home networking retailer in North America; the third is the strong financial backing from its major investors; and the fourth is its merge with a wireless technology company. The synergy of these four factors well equipped the case company to position itself in the global home networking market.