標題: 黑箱測試人員績效管理之研究-以網通業A公司為例
Performance Management of Black-Box Testing Engineers - A Case Study of Networking Company
作者: 張毓倫
Chang, Yu-Lun
Yang, Chyan
關鍵字: 績效管理;黑箱測試;知識工作者;激勵理論;網通;Performance Management;Black-Box Testing;Knowledge Worker;Encouragement Theory;Networking Communication Corporation
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 台灣網通業由於產業鏈完整,除台灣自有品牌之外,也為國內外各大 廠代工,在各國的標案中,時常可見台灣網通廠的身影,因此在全球市場 佔有相當重要的地位, 在資策會2008 年全球網路產品出貨地的資料中顯 示,全球有九成的網路產品是由台灣廠商所製造生產。雖然台灣所生產的 網路設備多屬CPE,但隨著科技不斷進步,從早期的數據機、IP 分享器、 VoIP Gateway、Wireless Roueter、數位家庭、物聯網以及雲端技術等的發 展,應用服務的內容越來越多,寬頻用戶對頻寬的需求越來越高,進而不 斷推升全球寬頻用戶數, 而CPE 產品也越來越多樣化。 正 因網通產品具有生命週期短、出貨快、樣式多以及客制化等特性。 因此對網通業來說,出貨前的產品測試具有相當的重要性,測試時程直接 影響出貨時間,測試的品質、深度、涵蓋率可減少critical issue 的發生率, 減少後續維修及客服成本。 然 而即便出貨前的測試佔有如此的重要性,國內仍缺乏對於黑箱測試 人員的績效管理研究,在長期缺乏重視的環境下,黑箱測試人員的績效管 理始終缺乏明確標準,例如每一種不同的產品都有其特性,衍生出來的測 試方式也會有所差異,再加上客製化的產品,測試人員的績效究竟如何衡 量? 從各種績效研究中我們瞭解到,企業內各單位的績效皆須與公司策略 校準, 使所有的工作結果都能對公司產生正面的影響。 II 因 此本研究乃以績效管理理論為基礎,運用專家訪談方式瞭解部門主 管及中高階主管對黑箱測試人員績效管理之認知,探討一般績效管理活動 對黑箱測試人員的影響, 以作為日後績效評估之參考依據。
Networking communication corporations in Taiwan are very important to the global market, because the industry chain is quite complete. Some corporations not just have their own brand, but also design and manufacture device for other companies in the world. According to the research made by Institute for Information Industry in 2008, 90% of networking communication equipments are produced in Taiwan. Today, the requirements of CPE are more and more. For example, in early years, modem can satisfy end-user, but now we have IP sharing, VoIP gateway, wireless router, digital home, the internet of things and clouds. More and more services and contents require more bandwidth and different technology. The characteristics of networking communication equipment are short life-cycles, shipping fast, varied models and customization production. To reduce the further maintenance cost, all products must be tested before mass production. In another words, improve testing quality, depth and coverage can help corporations to save money. Even thought testing is so important, but related researches of performance management of black-box testing engineers are not much. Every testing engineer might in charge of different product and different product might need different skill. How to measure the performance of testing engineers? Meanwhile, according to other performance management researches, we realize that the KPI of every unit in a company must align to company’s strategy. IV This research is based on performance management theory and interviews executive to know their thinking about the performance management of black-box testing engineers. Hope this research could be a reference to executive management.