標題: 針對圖形化使用者介面系統操作流程產生及化簡測試案例工具
A GUI based Scenario Testing Case Generation and Reduction Tool
作者: 陳乾源
Deng-Jyi Chen
關鍵字: 驗收測試;白箱測試;黑箱測試;測試案例;化簡;零壹方法;acceptance testing;black box testing;white box testing;testing case;reduce rules;Zero-One Method
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 隨著對友善使用者介面的需求越來越高,許多的系統都朝著圖形化使用者介面(GUI)發展。這一類的系統該如何去做驗收測試,一直是許多人研究的題目。本論文藉由討論白箱及黑箱來做驗收測試的優缺點,並參考白箱測試的理論以及方法和一般市面上黑箱測試工具的做法後。發現在白箱測試的方法中,分析原始碼的方式由於無法使用於拿不到原始碼的套裝軟體,也太不適用於用舊系統翻新的系統。而在黑箱測試的工具中,多數為單純紀錄使用者行為,其涵蓋率可能偏低。就算加上使用Script Language涵蓋率並不一定可以令人接受。於是提出以GUI Map的形式建立每各元件之間的關係後,以類似遊覽控制流程圖每個節點的方式自動產生測試案例。產生後的測試案例使用Zero-One Method with 5 reduce rules來化簡測試案例。並利用建議的方法實作出一套工具然後實際導入且比較結果。
Because the demand of friendly user interface becomes greater and greater, many systems have been developed into GUI interface. The subject of how to implement the acceptance test for such kind of system has been studied by many people. In this thesis, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of proceeding acceptance test by white box and black box as well as refer to the theory and method of white box and the usage of black box in the market, and then we come to the conclusion. In white box test, the way of analyzing source code cannot be used in package software without source code, and it is not suitable for the system which had been revised by old system as well. In black box, most of tools record the action of users only, so that the coverage rate is low. The coverage rate is not acceptable even though Script Language has been used. As a result, this thesis tries to build up the relationship between each component by GUI Map, and then generate test cases automatically by visit each node in control flow diagram. After generation, the testing cases have to be reduced by Zero-One Method with 5 reduce rules, and a tool developed by recommended method has to be put into use so as to compare the result.


  1. 756901.pdf
  2. 756902.pdf
  3. 756903.pdf

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