標題: 燃料電池供電系統之雙鋰電池充電效率控制
On Charging Efficiency of Dual Li-Ion Batteries for Fuel-Cell Electricity System
作者: 葉展嘉
Chan-Chia Yeh
Lan-Rong Dung
關鍵字: 直接甲醇燃料電池;鋰電池;直流轉換器;數位控制;濃度控制;混合;DMFC;Li-Ion Battery;DC-DC;digital control;fuel sensor-less control;hybrid
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 有別於傳統之串聯式與並聯式架構鋰電池使用壽命過短之議題,本論文提出一新穎的燃料電池與雙鋰電池混合供電系統。本系統之最大特色是採取雙鋰電池交互供電策略,一個鋰電池專司負載放電,另一接受燃料電池電力充電,如此可避免鋰電池在傳統架構上遭受過充與過放使壽命減短之傷害。
One of the important issues in traditional parallel and series structure of hybrid fuel cell/Li-Ion battery power supply is the battery life too short to use. In this paper, we propose a novel hybrid system that combines dual Li-Ion batteries with a fuel cell to deal with these issues. The control strategy presented in this paper is able to track the maximum power point of the fuel cell, sustain the fuel concentration in mixing tank and regulate the charginging current of the Li-Ion battery.The controller parameters are designed by discretization of analog controller. It will be easier to implement computational functions and more flexible in modifying the code for other applications. Simulating results present the feasibility and generality of the control strategies.