Title: | 微積分試題分析之實徵性研究-以交通大學九十六學年度第二學期會考為例 Item Analysis - the Empirical Study of a Calculus Assessment |
Authors: | 蔡佩純 Tsai, Pei-Chucn 白啟光 Pai, Chi-kaung 應用數學系所 |
Keywords: | 古典測驗理論;試題分析;難度;鑑別度;質性分析;Classical Test Theory;Item Analysis;Item Difficulty;Item Discrimination;Qualitative Analysis |
Issue Date: | 2009 |
Abstract: | 交通大學的微積分為大一大多數科系必修之科目,並於每學期課程結束後舉行會考。為建立一穩定的試卷品質以有效反應學生的學習成效,本研究以九十六學年度第二學期微積分會考試題為例進行分析,評估其是否適宜,並從效度、難易度、鑑別度三個角度探討之。
根據研究結果,在效度方面,若微積分教學小組公告之共同習題是基本能力的指標,則在試題內容方面,本卷大部分的題目都與共同習題一致,符合會考之定位;在試題配置方面,若與授課時數比例相比,本卷在多重積分單元佔分比重過重。在難易度方面,平均成績61.75分,考生成績分布圖為右偏,標準差16.46,成績分布非常分散;就內容而言,整份試卷難度不算困難。而從試題比較可發現,空間概念是學生較需加強的部份。在鑑別度方面,有一半以上的題目鑑別度為非常優良,且各單元均包含至少一題鑑別度非常優良之試題,整體來說,是份鑑別度分布還不錯且合乎會考需求的試卷。最後,本研究提出建議與未來研究方向,希望此研究成果能作為相關研究之參考。 The research is mainly analyzing about item analysis of “National Chiao Tung University Calculus Assessment” for the Spring Semester in 2007. Providing a set of the efficient item analysis models to the item checklist for avoiding some mistakes made in the process of setting items. First, set up two-way specification table, in order to understand the content contained of this discipline. Second, item analysis , such as the relevance and the difficulty of examination question. Third, indication analysis , such as the research of validity and reliability At last, therefore were more advises for teaching staff, the test designer, and suggestions to further researches. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/41203 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |
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