標題: 探討共體驗設計的手法與效果之對應
Co-experience through design: an example of sharing show watching experience
作者: 吳采芳
Wu, Tsai-Fang
Deng, Yi-Shin
關鍵字: 分享;共體驗;原型;設計手法;效果;co-experience;sharing;prototype;design technique;effect
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 人們常有跟朋友或家人分享經驗的習慣。過去人們以面對面溝通的方式分享著資訊或經驗。隨著網路與科技的發展和普及,網路上亦有越來越多的經驗分享平台。因此,如何創造出好的共體驗已經成為亟需探討的議題。然而,共體驗的平台設計大多牽扯的層面較廣,而目前並沒有相關的設計準則供設計師參考,設計師僅能參考類似的案例。因此,本研究的目的即是瞭解現有平台的共體驗,並進一步討論設計手法與效果的關係,希望提出設計建議供設計師或設計團隊參考。 雖然網路上有越來越多的共體驗平台,然而實體空間中也需要共體驗平台的設計。而公共空間因為具備有任何人都能進入的特點,即是最容易發生共體驗的場域。新竹的東門城是附近居民的大公園,平日或週末時常有樂團或歌手的表演,居民亦會到此活動。因此本研究針對東門城的看表演分享活動做研究。首先,針對看表演活動做訪談,詢問人們對於看表演活動以及分享的經驗,以瞭解現有平台中人們的經驗是如何傳遞與流動。接著,針對東門城的環境選出三個共體驗的概念設計,並將其設置於東門城的場域中,招募使用者做深度訪談,探索使用者對於共體驗平台設計的反應、期待與接受度;並比較設計手法與效果對應的關係。 進一步討論使用者心理的期待與使用的顧忌,及探討不同手法具有的不同意義,並且提出共體驗流程的模型,以供設計師做手法的選擇與設計時的考量,並使共體驗的理論更加清楚與完整。本研究提出的設計建議主要分為:一、符合共體驗流程的建議,二、達到好的共體驗效果之建議,三、共體驗平台的設計需注意的要點。本研究實際操作共體驗平台的設計,並且貼近使用者以獲得使用者對於共體驗的看法,包括對於共體驗平台的期待、期望被滿足的心理需求、以及必需考慮的互動方式。提出之設計建議對於設計師或設計團隊有實際的參考價值。在未來,建議可針對不同手法對應之強度,或者對於虛擬平台與實體空間對人的影響及如何搭配做進一步的研究。
People have the habits of sharing experiences with friends, families, or even strangers. In the past, people shared their information and experiences through face-to-face communication. With the popularization and development of internet and technology, there are more and more experience-sharing platforms on the network. As a designer, designing a product which has an inviting appearance and practical function does no longer satisfy users nowadays. Consequently, how to create a good user experience in social interaction has become a significant issue which designers pay attention to. However, there were not enough design guidelines for designers to follow up. The aim of this research is to reveal the users’ experiences in co-experience, and to discuss design techniques and the reception expectations of users. Moreover, to provide design suggestions for designing co-experience platform is the ultimate goal. The research plan could be separated into two stages. Firstly, the primary investigating stage was to collect and analyze data from interviewees to obtain a general understanding about current sharing platform. Secondly, the users’ opinions were brought up by means of designed prototypes and field-testing. With the investigation of interview, a thorough understanding of current experience-sharing platform was explored. By means of prototype testing we discovered the thoughts of users and presented design suggestions of co-experience to designers. In the end, users’ expectation and concern in co-experience platform were discovered. The roles of different design techniques were also compared to discuss the effects to users. Furthermore, the co-experience model was built up. Moreover, the design suggestions which acquired from the discussion about the design techniques and the effects might be a valuable reference for designers. The suggestions contained three parts: satisfying the process model of co-experience, achieving good effects of co-experience, and the key points need to be noticed. This research gained the user-ended data to understand users’ need and worry with prototypes as a research tool. In the future, the intensive of different design techniques could be on direction to be further investigated.


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