標題: 動態特質與脈絡於產品設計中的探討與應用
Enhancing the Interaction Experience – Exploring and Applying Movement and Context in Product Design
作者: 簡長鵬
Chien, Chang-Peng
Deng, Yi-Shin
關鍵字: 動作;脈絡;使用經驗;實體化互動;產品設計;movement;context;experience;tangible interaction;product design
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 在當代社會中,許多產品皆是資訊溝通系統的一份子,並以螢幕與按鍵進行互動,飛利浦設計在動作語意工作坊中提出了一個假設:人與物的互動可以被物理性的與肢體涉入性的動作來加強。人與產品的互動就像跳舞一樣,藉著肢體動作與眼神接觸這類非口語的方式進行溝通並且互相配合。本設計創作以這個觀念為出發點,開始進行探索與設計。 本研究期望藉著了解肢體動互動的意涵與特質,配合脈絡設定,將這些特質融入於不同脈絡下的產品設計創作之中,並希望在提出設計創作的過程中,探討動作、脈絡與使用經驗三者的關係。 本設計創作將以書櫃為例,從探討人與書的互動開始,把書櫃當成一個服務提供者的腳色,試圖了解在這段互動關係中雙方的需要。同時進行概念發想,將動作的特質融入到書櫃的設計中,並提出兩項設計創作作為驗證。第一個是以翻箱倒櫃的尋找為脈絡的書櫃設計,第二個則是以科幻為背景的書櫃設計。
In contemporary society, many products are part of information communication system and interact with users by screens and buttons. In the DeSForM Programme Workshop, the Philip Design proposed a hypothesis that the interaction between human and object can be improved by physical and body-involved movements. The interaction between human and products is like dancing. Exploring Communicating and collaborating in a non-verbal way, for example, body movements and eyes contacts, are the topic of this project. In this project, by exploring the interaction and setting the context between human and product, we apply the attributes of movements into product design, and we want to explore the relationship among movements, context, and user experience. The exploration is started from the interaction between human and book. In order to realize the need of each other, we consider the bookshelf as a service provider, and take two bookshelves designs for examination.


  1. 250701.pdf

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