Title: 互動美感運用於人際溝通產品之設計研究
Applying Aesthetics of Interaction to Interpersonal Communication Product Design
Authors: 歐世勛
Shih-Hsun Ou
Yi-Shin Deng
Keywords: 互動美感;互動設計;資訊科技;產品設計;人際溝通;Aesthetics of Interaction;Interaction Design;Information technology;Product Design;Interpersonal Communication
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 資訊科技的蓬勃發展,讓人們的生活中充滿各式各樣的資訊科技產品。這些產品因為資訊科技的涉入,具有傳統機械或電子產品所沒有的高度互動性,互動設計成為此類產品設計中重要的一環。但是目前談論互動設計的議題大多著重於使用性上的問題,關乎於人們心情、感受的美感經驗卻鮮少提及。不過,由近年來的一些設計趨勢與作品可以看到,人性與情感的因素在產品設計中漸受重視,這當中的因素除了是設計師對人與產品關係的高度體悟外,也因資訊科技的進步而開拓更多互動的可能性。因此,互動設計從「容易使用」、「舒適」…等使用性的考量,延展至更深層的「美感經驗」向度,稱為「互動美感」。
Due to the advancement of Information technology (IT), various IT products become pervasive in people’s life nowadays. IT products possess high-degree of interactivity that the traditional mechanical or electronic products are lacking; therefore, the key in designing IT products is “Interaction Design”. However, most of the discussions about interaction design at present overemphasize the usability issue, and neglect design issues like users’ feeling, mood, and aesthetic experience. Fortunately, some recent design projects starts to take these factors into consideration, and several attempts to advocate satisfying users’ needs beyond the usability level are made. In this study, our focus is on the users’ aesthetic needs or experience in human-product-interaction, or “Aesthetics of Interaction” in short.
“Aesthetics of Interaction” is a relatively new issue of design research, and there is few discussion or design principles about this. What is “Aesthetics of Interaction”? How do people experience it? How does it differentiate itself from arts appreciation? These subjects will be discussed in this thesis.
We chose “Interpersonal Communication” as the theme of this design project. There are two main reasons. First, we wanted find the aesthetics factors of interaction in interpersonal communication, and extend them to human-Product interaction design. Though IT brings us much convenient, it often make people feel strange instead. By means of this Study we want to make the Interpersonal Communication more aesthetics.
In this Study there are two phases – Research & Design projects.
In the first phase, we discussed the conception of Interaction, aesthetics, and the researches of Aesthetics of Interaction at present. Then we proposed the meaning and the design principle of Aesthetics of Interaction used to interaction design.
In the second phase, we used the design principle to develop four ideas and make three ideas into prototypes. These prototypes were exhibited in NCTU arts gallery.
Appears in Collections:Thesis