標題: 女性客體化身體經驗之探究
A study on the female objectified body experience
作者: 彭湘蘭
Peng, Shiang-Lan
Hsu, Shao-Ling
關鍵字: 客體化身體經驗;objectified body experience
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 客體化身體經驗之探究 摘要 本研究主要目的是從客體化理論觀點探討女性客體化身體經驗,以了解客體化身體經驗之形成脈絡、在此脈絡下對女性詮釋身體意象的影響、客體化身體經驗對女性身心的影響,以及抵擋客體化身體經驗影響的正向力量。 本研究以客體化理論概念切入,並選擇質性研究的詮釋現象學為研究方法論,採用半結構式的深度訪談,訪談三位曾經受客體化身體經驗所苦而今較不受影響的女性,每人進行2次深入訪談,輔以研究者的研究省思札記及受訪者的回饋心得,藉以理解探究女性客體化身體經驗並詮釋經驗背後所蘊含的深層意義。 本研究經由主題分析,提出三個共同主題以詮釋女性客體化身體經驗:(一)生活處境審視比較、纖瘦美麗是王道、認同主流價值求肯定;(二)對身體厭惡疏離、對自己自卑無自信、人我關係順應討好;(三)覺察反思增能、親密關係支持、自主自信作自己。 最後針對本研究結果提出對諮商實務、教育工作及未來研究之建議省思。
A Study on the Female Objectified Body Experience Abstract The purpose of this study is to understand the formation of female objectified body experience, what infiuence is the female body image interpreted under this formation, and what positive power is used to resist the female objectified body experience This study offers objectification theory as a framework for understanding, and utilizes hermeneutic phenomenology approach as the research method. Semi structured interviews are applied to interview three subjects who used to suffer female objectified body experience. In-depth interviews, which were conducted with each subject twice during the study, together with the reflective journals of the researcher and the reflections of the interviewees are used to understand and explore female objectified body experience, so as to interpret the profound meaning behind the experience. Through the conduction of thematic analysis , the study raises three common themes to interpret the female objectified body experience: (1) Life is full of judgment and comparison, being thin is the mainstream value, and identifying oneself with the mainstream value is viewed as a way to gain recognition. (2) Feeling disgusted and estranged toward one’s body, worrying about having no self-confidence, and building self-other relationship on pleasing or yielding to others. (3) With self-awareness, introspection, empowerment, and supportive intimacy relationship, one can be oneself independently and confidently. Finally, based on the research results, we will provide suggestions and reflections toward counseling skills and practice, educational work, and future studies.


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