Title: 助人者看不見的傷口:心理助人者替代性創傷形成歷程之初探
Invisible Wounds:An exploratory of Vicarious Trauma process in Disaster Counselors
Authors: 王昭惠
Keywords: 助人者;替代性創傷;災難心理;同理介入;工作耗竭;反移情;disaster counselors;vicarious trauma;disaster mental health;empathy;burn out;countertransference
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 本研究主要探討參與意外災害救災的心理助人工作者,形成替代性創傷的背景脈絡、替代性創傷形成的歷程,以及替代性創傷內涵,運用現象學取向的質性研究法,透過半結構化深度訪談,了解四位受訪者的替代性創傷經驗,研究結果如下:
壹、 形成替代性創傷的背景脈絡:
This project is aimed to discuss disaster counselors, background of vicarious trauma, content that cover substitute trauma, and formation of substitute trauma. By using phenomenological approach and methodology, we interviewed four victims and had a thorough understanding in experiences regarding vicarious trauma. We thereby propose our suggestion of trauma salvaging jobs and provide solid research data for future references. Here we list our research outcome:
A. Factors formulating substitute trauma background
1. The internal system of the helper: including integrity characteristics of the helper,
attitude toward work, style of consultation, and personal experiences with death or disaster .
2. The external system of the helper: including support system such as family members, friends, associates and supervisor; the attitude toward disaster relief ,case report reflective of message from the victim, and level of stimulation of the helpers.
B. Process of vicarious trauma:
1. Empathy of the helpers: for counselors empathy victims , they feeling the painful deeply , than effect counselor’s emotion and cognition
2. Change of psychodynamic: they feel shock , had countertransference, and some psychodynamic processes like fearing to the death.
3. Impediment associated with organization and villagers that influence relief workers: the organization limitation and victim`s low motivation let counselors feeling sadly.
4. Plus accommodation of trauma reaction of helpers: learn professional knowledge , relax and change beliefs to accommodation trauma stress.
C. Content covering vicarious trauma
1. Sufferings: secondary trauma stress symptoms of helpers and escapers.
2. Change of cognitive schemas and impact on behavior change: the helpers make huge changes in” sense of security” and “power of control” of cognitive schemas; in contrast, fewer in intimacy and trust. To the least stand, respect in this model is not observable.
3. Belief change of the helpers: changes in viewpoints of the world, ego, profession identity, level of spiritual in terms of frame of reference, and influence toward professional boundary.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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