Title: 與性別平權相關的夫妻衝突經驗
The Experience of Conflicts with Gender Equality in Marriage
Authors: 湯梓儀
Tang, Tz-Ying
Hsu, Shao-Ling
Keywords: 性別平權;婚姻衝突;衝突因應;開放編碼;gender equality;marital conflict;open coding
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 本研究之目的於深入了解夫妻互動關係中,與性別平權相關的衝突經驗內涵,以及探究夫與妻,在面對此衝突時,各自採取的因應方式。本研究乃是以擁有平權意識的女性以及妻子或夫妻雙方主觀知覺夫妻衝突經驗與平權相關為本研究選取條件,邀請符合之夫妻對偶成為本研究參與者。選擇質性典範作為本研究的方法論,採用半結構式質性訪談,蒐集三對夫妻對於衝突經驗主觀知覺與詮釋之資料,研究者以紮根研究中的開放編碼作為本研究分析與整理資料的方法。
The purpose of this study is to understand the conflicts of gender equality experienced between couple as well as how each of the individual handle the situation when the conflict occurs. We aim for women who are aware of gender equality and couples who have experience confliction related to gender equality, couples matching the requirement is invited to participate in this study. Qualitative paradigm as the research methodology, subjective perception and interpretation on experiences of conflicts is collected from three couples through half-structured in-depth interviews. Open coding from Grounded theory is used by researcher to analyze and organize the data collected.
Men in general do not interpretate conflict experiences in gender point of view, therefore, women’s perception of gender equality incident occurring in couple’s relationship is taken as the main theme and correspond with conflicts mentioned by husband. After generalization and analysis, the concept of gender equality related conflicts can be catergorized into “elders related”and “elders non-related”; “elder related” includes “elder’s expectation” and “character conversion”; “elders non-related” includes “Role in the family” and “balance between work and family” Actions taken by couples do differ from different confliction topic, actions taken includes [ Direct Reaction ] : insist, request, question, communication, accept/cooperate, be nice, solve problem and cognitive adjustment; [ Indirect Reaction] : deny the problem and reject treatment.
Appears in Collections:Thesis