標題: 中國水墨畫中水流之模擬與描繪
The Synthesis and Rendering of Water in Chinese Ink Painting
作者: 謝華興
Hua-Shing Hsieh
Zen-Chung Shih
關鍵字: 水流;模擬;描繪;水墨畫;山水畫;毛筆;Synthesis;NPR;Water;Rendering;Ink;Painting
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 如果山所代表的是男性的陽剛,那麼水所顯示的則當是女性的陰柔;山因水的滋養而潤澤,水因山的環抱而愈顯貞專;山因水的對比而愈堅實,水因山的襯托而愈美麗;山因水而明,水因山而秀。在千山萬壑間,畫上穿雲一線的飛瀑,呈現「疑是銀河落九天」的優美。就感性而言,山石是穩定的,水波是多變的,但是因為水的變化,同ㄧ座山卻可能給人完全不一樣的感受。本論文之研究重點,在於提出ㄧ套半自動作畫系統,可以根據輸入的三維地形模型,只要使用者在模型上輸入ㄧ點座標,系統就會自動依據模型產生最適合的水流走勢,並依據使用者所定義的重要特徵參數,電腦便能依其所想要的效果,自動完成所有繪畫過程,完成山水畫中的水流部分,配合之前的研究,呈現有山有水的山水畫。
If the mountain symbolizes the male, water symbolizes the female. The mountain is enriched by the nourishing effects of water. The water, when embraced by the mountain, becomes more graceful and charming. In contrast to one another, the mountains stronger, and the water brighter. A small waterfall painted in a scene of many mountains, brings the mountain to life. A narrow river painted on flat ground, brings elegance to the entire landscape. In this thesis, we develop a semi- automatically Chinese ink painting system. User just need to input a coordinate of three-dimension and the system will generate the water streamline follow the topographical model, According to the important characteristic parameter that the user define, the computer will generate Chinese ink painting automatically.


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