標題: 大學生對一般英文與專業英文之需要、期望、與不足
Investigating College Students' Necessities, Wants, and Lacks in English for General Purposes and ENglish for Specific Purposes
作者: 劉瑾渝
Liu, Jin-Yu
Sun, Yu-Chih
關鍵字: 需求分析;需要;期望;不足;needs analysis;necessities;wants;lacks
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 大部分台灣的大學都有開設一般英文與專業英文的課程,但是這些課程常都被批評無法滿足大學生的需求。為了能夠了解大學生的需求、設計提升學生動機和讓學生滿意的課程,我們應該要做有關於比較學生在一般英文與專業英文課程的需求分析研究。 本研究目的就是了解非英文主修大學生在一般英文與專業英文的需要(necessities)、期望(wants)與不足 (lacks),此需求的細分是由Hutchins 和Waters所提出的。本研究也探討影響大學生修課意願的因素,此外,大學生的個人背景因素如性別、年級、和主修是否會影響他們對於一般英文與專業英文需求的認知也是討論的範疇。本研究以問卷的方式發給台灣6所大學共972為非英文主修的大學生。 研究結果顯示將需求細分成需要(necessities)、期望(wants)與不足 (lacks)的重要性,但是此細分的重要性在一般英文與專業英文課程有程度上的不同。至於大學生的修課意願,影響一般英文的修課意願包含較多的因素,如學生的需要、短程和遠程學習目標;影響專業英文的修課意願則是學生的遠程目標,也就是對於未來工作有沒有助益,一般英文與專業英文的課程在大學階段都是需要的,但是大學生對於自我需求的認知與修課意願的認知是存在分歧。一些學生的個人背景因素如主修是會影響他們對於需求的認知。本文對於需求分析研究、一般英文與專業英文的課程設計,也提出了一些重要的論點於教學實務上的啟發。
Most colleges in Taiwan offered both EGP and ESP courses. However, those courses have been the target of criticisms that they did not meet the undergraduates’ needs (Chia, Johnson, Chia & Olive, 1999; Derwing, Schutiz, & Yang, 1978; Yang, 2006). To better discern undergraduates’ perceptions of needs and make the courses more motivating and satisfying, research comparing undergraduates’ needs in these two courses should be conducted. The aim of the study was to find out non-English major undergraduates’ needs in EGP and ESP concerning their perceptions of necessities, wants, and lacks (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987). The factors that might influence undergraduates’ course-taking willingness were also investigated. Also,how undergraduates’ demographic backgrounds, including gender, years in school, and majors may be related to their perceptions of EGP and ESP were also examined. A questionnaire was administered to 972 undergraduates from six of the universities in Taiwan. The results indicated the importance of sub-dividing needs into necessities, wants and lacks. Nevertheless, the extent of NA usefulness was different in EGP and ESP. As for undergraduates’ course-taking willingness, EGP course-taking willingness involves more factors including necessities, short-term and long-term goals while ESP course-taking wiliness seemed to be more job-related. EGP and ESP courses were both needed at tertiary level. However, there was a gap between undergraduates’ self-perceptions of needs and their actual action of taking courses. Also, the results indicated that some of undergraduates’ demographic backgrounds such as majors would influence their perceptions of needs. Some important issues and implications NA and EGP or ESP curriculum designs emerged from the study.
Appears in Collections:Thesis