標題: 產業應用導向的轉型:以某國家技術研究機構為例
Reorienting to Industrial Application: The Case of A National Technology Research Institute
作者: 陳淑妙
Chen, Shu-Miaow
Wang, Yau-De
關鍵字: 技術研究法人組織;學術與產業連結;技術移轉到產業界;創業環境的塑造;產業需求為導向;產研合作的提升;technology research institute;university-industry links;technology transfer to industry;entrepreneurship incubation;industry-driven technology development;collaboration between research institutes and the private sector
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本研究目的在探討研究型技術研究法人組織與產業型技術研究法人組織的對照觀點,去導出一套轉移的方法,除了將二種法人組織型態進行理論比較外,亦將從中衍生研究型技術研究法人轉移到產業型技術研究法人如何去因應。研究方法上,為求理解受訪者的主觀想法,因此採用質化研究取向中常用的半結構式訪談法蒐集與分析資料,針對轉型中的某技術研究法人組織不同職務的十位人員進行訪談,將所得到的敘說內容,加以分類、詮釋與概念化。 資料分析結果發現技術移轉到產業界、創業環境的塑造、產業需求為導向以及產研合作的提升四個方法,將使研究型法人與產業型法人組織的差異有減少的效果,其差異包括行銷策略、應用方面的創新能力、激勵制度與業務流程的效率。   本研究指出技術移轉到產業界、創業環境的塑造、產業需求為導向、產研合作的提升與技術發展方向的回饋管道,形成了密不可分的關係存在,因此當研究型法人組織在轉移到產業型法人組織時,愈是能善用彼此間的相互關係,也愈能成功轉移。這項結果提供一個新的見解,所得結果除有助理論發展外,更可作為技術研究法人組織轉型的參考。
This study compared the differences between the science-oriented and the industry-oriented technology research institutes in order to propose a strategy for guiding the former type of institute to transform itself into the latter type of institute. I used qualitative method to conduct the study. Ten semi-structured interviews were performed on the employees sampled from an institute where changes were taken to transform its orientation from science to industry. The 10 interviewees were from the middle or the top level of job position. The contents of interviews were analyzed following the grounded-theory qualitative research methods. The results show that these four methods—technology transfer to industry, entrepreneurship incubation, industry-driven technology development, and collaboration between research institutes and the private sector can stimulate the occurrence of market orientation, application innovation, incentive rewarding, and business process efficiency in technology research institutes and change their orientations from science-based into industry-based. This study also shows that the four methods are inter-related with and mutually reinforcing to each other. Thus, for a science-oriented type of technology research institute to change itself into industry-oriented type, it can use these four methods simultaneously in order to leverage the synergy effect from their inter-correlations to achieve a successful transformation. The results of this study provide us not only a theoretical understanding about the differences between the science-oriented and industry-oriented technology research institutes but also a set of guidelines for directing the transformation of the former into the latter.


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