標題: 短期大型營運活動之研究
Study on Short Term Mega Events
作者: 林妙穗
Lin, Miao-Suey
Shen, Hwa-Rong
Lin, Che-Yang
關鍵字: 短期大型營運活動;企業經營活動;投入與產出效益;mega event operation activity;corporate operation activity;input-output
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 臺灣在2010年以前並無舉辦國際級大型博覽會的經驗,一直到臺北市政府獲「國際園藝生產者協會(AIPH)」授權主辦「2010臺北國際花卉博覽會」才首次成功的踏出第一步。由文獻資料得知,國外許多國家一方面利用博覽會活動進行都市廢棄土地的更新計畫、臨近地區交通建設,讓整個都市景觀有極大的轉變與改善;另一方面藉由大型博覽會,帶動區域的經貿發展,也在活動中宣導生態環保的概念,這些相關的效益一般是遠超過博覽會活動本身的收益。
In the past years, Taiwan has not the experience to hold an international exposition or mega event, until ―2010 Taipei International Flora Expo‖ which Taipei City was authorized by AIPH to hold the first international mega event and the recent closing of the expo proved that it is a good start. From many literatures showed that several countries employed hosting ―Expos or Mega events‖ as a strategy to regenerate their disuse land or spaces, develop infrastructure (airport, railway, or highway traffic constructions), and all the urban regeneration makes the nearby have new picturesque views. On the other side, the Expo also is used as a good tool to attract capital investment of business or trade interactions with foreign countries. In addition, newly the ecological theme or environmental protection becomed an important issue in the Expo or Mega events. All the above benefits mentioned would exceed the revenues solely coming from Expo or Mega event activities.
In order to explore the substantial effects or impacts may induce from mega events, this study try to use the concept of input-output theory to compare the similarities and dissimilarities of short term mega events and corporate operation activities. The researcher uses narrative approach to discuss the case study by selecting several foreign international expos as the indicators of mega event and on the other, to choose Taiwan famous enterprise TSMC as a case of corporate operation activities. For consistent analysis, the study uses four perspectives as input indicators, those of tangible assets, intangible assets, manpower, and devoting time. Furthermore, the output impacts are divided into five classfications, including financial, economic, construction, societal, and product aspect. Finally, from the input-output comparisons of the two operation patterns (short term and long term), the study finds that the mega events bring some broader and lasting effects to the society and its citizens. The conclusion is that from the positive viewpoints, mega event or expo can integrate domestic kinds of professional abilities to demonstrate the soft power of a country. It is suggested that Taiwan can devote more resources to sponsor middle level or mega events so can highlight the development of our country and its international visibility.
Appears in Collections:Thesis