Title: 建構半導體生產機台關機之管理模型
Constructing a Management Model of Tool Shutdown for Semiconductor Manufacturing
Authors: 李素珍
Lee-Ing Tong
Keywords: 半導體;線性規劃;關機管理;生產週期;Semi-conductor;Linear Programming;Tool Shutdown;CycleTime
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 半導體製造產業於市場訂單需求較低的季節裡都會進行閒置生產機台的關機管理,以降低高昂成本所帶來的極大虧損。由於生產機台關機管理會影響到廠內生產機台的彈性調配,並直接影響到訂單的生產週期和產品交期,且斷電關機之機台重新啟動時會出現復機成本太高、復機時間太長等潛在損失。因此,業界大部分都會選擇執行不斷電關機,並且利用靜態產能模型反覆地運算和試誤,其決策時程冗長且需非常謹慎地規劃,以確保能兼顧成本和訂單交期管理。但實際上不斷電關機管理所能節省之成本卻非常有限,唯有落實斷電關機才能帶來關機管理的最大成本效益。 隨著全球經濟的劇烈變化,半導體業未來景氣隨之波動急遽,高昂的成本特性於不景氣時會造成營收和獲利的極大虧損。為了讓企業能達到永續經營的目的,本研究之主要目的即是利用線性規劃方法在建構一個半導體閒置生產機台關機管理模型,以在不景氣時落實斷電關機為前提,能快速地決定可節省最大成本的關機機台數,以利彈性調配生產機台並確保能百分之百達到客戶訂單的交期要求。 最後本研究以某半導體製造公司所提供的實際數據,來驗證本研究所建立的閒置機台關機管理模型確實有效可行。
Semi-conductor manufacturing industry will be proceeded production machine shutdown management on low season to void great company loss. If without this management, it will be directly affected production orders and product delivery cycle. In the meantime, restart machine got other potential losses because need to take time and complex procedure/method to warm up machines. Therefore, industry most would choose to perform UPS shutdown and the repeated use of a static capacity model of trial and error to computing and its decision-making process lengthy and careful planning to ensure cost-management and order delivery can be both. But, in fact the cost can be saved with very limited, only the implementation of the power off in order to bring off the most cost-effective management.   With the dramatic changes in the global economy and rapidly fluctuate in the future of the economy, the high cost will be caused great loss of revenue and profit. So, the purpose of this study how to use the linear programming to constructing a management model can let enterprises decision-making to shut down machine but also saving cost and ensure the delivery of customer orders.   Will apply a semiconductor manufacturing company as a sample to verify this management model is indeed feasible and effective.
Appears in Collections:Thesis