DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorWang, Jia-Yinen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Chiun-Hsunen_US
dc.description.abstractAccording to the 2007 Labor Inspection Yearbook of Council of Labor Affair and the statistics of Sciense Park Administration, the morality of Hi-Tech industrials at Hsinchu Science Industrial Park is lower than those of the traditional manufacture industry, whole industry and construction industry from 2001 to 2007. Hi-Tech industrials at Hsinchu Science Industrial Park possess more intensive and concentrated capital and technology in comparing to conventional ones. Therefore, more resources can be put on the occupational safety and health. As expected, such industrials can perform much better on the issues of the occupational safety and health than the other industrials, so they are able to become a reference index for other industrials. This study is to comprehend the current status of the Health Management for those Hi-Tech industrials at Hsinchu Science Industrial Park and, eventually, expect to assist those industrials to enhance their self-management capabilities of occupational hygiene for preventing the occupational diseases and promoting the labor’s health. It includes two parts: The first part covers the survey and analysis of the current situation of Hi-Tech industrials on the Health-Management at Hsinchu Science Industrial Park. The results can stand as an index for other industrials, and serve as a reference for the Authority to make the occupational hygiene policy. The second part covers a program designed to promote the self-management capabilities of Hi-Tech industrials on Health at the Park, called “Occupational Safety and Hygiene of Consultancy Program from NCTU, 2006~ 2007, and CTUST, 2008, sponsored by the Science Park Administration. This part is also to comprehend of the practical execution problems and results of such Program. Totally, 49 Hi-Tech factories were surveyed, including 22 small-scale factories (employee number under 300), 13 mid-scale factories (employee number between 300~600) and 14 large-scale factories (employee number above 600). The results show that factories adopting advisory suggestions were verified with more than 75% of improvement rate. This indicates that the Hi-Tech industrials in the Science Park are willing to follow the relevant Laws and actively implement their Health Management program. However, the small and mid scale factories, with the limitation of human resources and vocational capacities in the past, can be benefited greatly from this Program.en_US
dc.subjectOccupational Hygieneen_US
dc.subjectOccupational Healthen_US
dc.subjectOccupational Diseasesen_US
dc.titleA Study on Present Occupational Health Status of High-Technology Industrials at the Hsinchu Science Parken_US


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