Title: 高科技產業用水回收率指標之研究
A Study on Water Recycling Rate Index for High-tech Industries
Authors: 易俊宇
YI, Chun-Yu
Dzeng, Ren-Jye
Keywords: 回收率;Recycling Rate Index
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 水資源匱乏問題日益嚴重,政府於1995年度起,為減緩新水源開發之壓力,並確保國家整體水資源供給不虞匱乏,陸續推動了「節約用水措施」,更於2000年「節約用水行動方案」中提出,應進行用水成效查核法案之研擬與推動,使節約用水提升至法治管理的層面,達到依法管水、節水的目標。目前工業用水考核指標中,以製程回收率及全廠回收率之利用最為廣泛,然而全廠回收率計算公式依主管機關卻有所差異,且計算結果差異甚大,但整合出之回收率計算公式,在全廠回收率標準值未能配合修正前,恐無法達成既定政策及環保要求,故至今仍維持現狀,保留其彈性空間。
Shortage of water resources has turned out to be a crucial problem worldwide. To release problems of water resources exploration and to ensure an abundant water supply, the government has launched a series of water saving measures since 1995 and set up a number of water saving acts and water use efficiency checking regulations in 2000, in an eye to carry out water saving and water use management by mean of laws and regulations. As for industrial water use checking index, application is found widely on recycle rate of manufacturing process and overall fab recycle rate. However, formula for overall fab recycle rate varies in different authorities, which in turn results in different calculation results. Before amendment of the overall fab recycle rate, the integrated recycle rate formula can hardly meet demands of existent policies and environmental protection related regulations. Thus, the conventional system keeps in use before any amendments.
This study aims at figuring out the formula for overall fab water recycle rate, so as to solidify water saving efficiency for wide application. Conclusions and results reached in this study include: 1. Formula for overall fab water recycle rate (R1) counted on a database of 50 tenant companies at the Hsinchu Science Park, which cooling tower circulating water was taken into account, revealed that the overall fab recycle rate is over 94%, indicating that the formula R1 can hardly detect the efficiency of overall fab water recycle rates. The formula for overall fab recycle rate (R3), which deducted the water vaporized in the cooling tower and listed the vaporized water as secondary water use that can not be recycled, doesn’t not follow the water saving guidelines since the vaporized water can be reduced by mean of water saving measures, where deduction of vaporized water is not appropriate. 3. Formula C5 and C6 for overall fab recycle rate (R3) originally depicts the circulating water for air-conditioners and waste gas scrubber systems, which is redefined as the discharged water that can be saved in the systems. 4. Saved water for water saving devices is taken into water recycle account. 5. Standard value for overall fab water recycle rate (R4) is down revised 6.6% to 17% after figuring and analyzing the overall fab water recycle formulas and counting the manufacturing process water use, vaporized water, and the total water use differences for varied industries by mean of adopting the formula (R4) and (R2) proposed in this study. 6. Recycle standard rate accomplished, approaches for differentiation, and application feasibilities are analyzed after taking a number of practices, unique cases, extreme cases, and no water use manufacturing processes into account and figuring out a number of recycle formulas under different circumstances.

Key words: industrial water use reference checking index, manufacturing water recycle rate, overall fab water recycle rate, circulating water for cooling tower, vaporized water in cooling tower, circulating water after treatment by equipment, water saving amount, and approaches for differentiation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis