標題: 以族群關係的視角論--戰後新竹地區蓪草產業的發展與變遷
A Discussion on the Post-war Development and Changes of the Rice-paper Plant(Tetrapanax) Industry in Hsinchu from the Perspective of Ethnic Relationships
作者: 謝華英
關鍵字: 蓪草;產業合作;族群關係;Rice-paper Plant (Tetrapanax);Industrial Cooperation;Ethnic relations
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 新竹地區的蓪草產業從漢人始墾起,到目前的沒落為止,約有300年的期間,跨越了清治、日治及戰後三大階段,每一階段皆有其不同的發展樣貌。 18世紀以降廣州外銷畫的興起,尤其是黃開基招募大陸蓪草工匠來新竹地區後,改變了臺灣蓪草製品的生產模式,不僅將臺灣蓪草製品推向國際舞臺,亦使與蓪草產業有關的各族群,在經濟利益的驅使下,開始形塑出以產業合作為基礎的族群關係。 本研究除探討新竹地區蓪草產業的發展與變遷外,更將視角切入該產業歷史發展過程背後,所衍生的族群關係,亦即族群關係如何決定此產業的產銷結構,此產業的產銷結構又是如何穩定族群關係。 從蓪草原料的採集乃至蓪草製品的生產及銷售,本研究發現過去的文獻往往只呈現原住民及福佬人的重要性,卻不見客家人的蹤跡。實際上,客家人在蓪草製品的產銷過程中從未缺席,且扮演重要的橋樑角色。另外,亦發現戰後臺灣社會對少數原住民的印象,持偏見者仍然選擇自我合理化,態度不受改變之情形,顯然這對族群的互相理解有著負面的影響。 總的來說,本研究透過田野調查與歷史文獻的爬梳,從所描繪出來的戰後新竹地區蓪草產業協作過程與所構築的原住民、客家人、福佬人的日常性族群關係,可知在常民生活中,族群之間的界線仍存在,但是卻普遍認為彼此間沒有族群問題,大家都處於可以和平對待或共存的情形,縱使有衝突,亦可透過相互忍讓、相互學習和睦共處。
From the beginning of the Han immigrants' initial plantations to the decline in present days, the rice paper industry in the Hsinchu area lasted for about 300 years, spanning across three major phases: Qing Dynasty, Japanese Occupation and Post War. Each phase had its unique developmental features. Paintings exported from Guanzhou had begun to rise since the 18th century, especially after Kai-chi Huang recruited the rice-paper plant craftsmen from Mainland China to the Hsinchu area, which has not only changed the productive modes of Taiwan rice-paper products by bringing them to the international market, but also formed relationships based on industrial cooperation among various ethnic groups involved in the rice-paper industry under economic incentives. Besides discussing the development and changes of the rice-paper industry in Hsinchu, this research explores the ethnic relationships behind the industry's history, specifically, how ethnic relations determine the industry's production and marketing structure, and how such a structure stabilizes ethnic relations. This research finds that from the harvest of raw materials to the production and marketing of rice-paper products, all of the written documents in the past only presented the importance of indigenous and Hokien people, without mentioning the Hakka. In fact, the Hakka were never absent in the production and marketing process of the rice-paper industry, but rather, they played an important role as the bridge. Besides, the research also exposes the impression that Taiwan society held toward the indigenous people during the post-war period. Those with prejudicial views still chose self-rationalization while their attitudes remained unchanged, which obviously has a negative influence on mutual understanding among ethnic groups. Overall speaking, through fieldwork and investigation of historical documents, this research portrays the everyday ethnic relations among the indigenous, Hakka and Hokien peoples based on their coordination in the rice-paper industry. Thus, although the ethnic boundaries did exist in common daily life, it was generally agreed that there were no ethnic problems, and everyone treated each other equally and coexisted well. Even when there were conflicts, peaceful coexistence could still be maintained through mutual tolerance and interdependent learning.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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