标题: 用于低功率限制下传输速率控制技术在无线近身网路之演算法设计
Power-Constrained Rate Adaptation In Wireless Body Area Networks
作者: 蔡易达
Tsai, Yi-Da
Huang, Ching-Yao
Chiang, Ti-hao
关键字: 无线近身网路;速率自适应性方法;Wireless Body Area Network;Rate Adaptation;Rate Control
公开日期: 2008
摘要: 无线近身网络(WBAN)是一种结合了装置于人体身上的嵌入式感测器以便于从多个病人身体上监测相关生理参数的无线网路. WBANs 增加了病患的舒适性和便利的移动性,同时也允许在必要的时候可以进行远程医疗看护的需求。本论文提出新的速率适应性相关 MAC 通讯协定,针对 WBAN 所处的网路环境不同,采用动态的调整无线传输调变技术来抵抗当时的杂讯,以期能藉由适时地选择不同的资料传送速率方式,达到较高的资料传送可靠度,并依此选出最有利之传输速率,缩短传输所占用之网路时间,以提升网路产能及改善整体传输时的能量消耗。此外本论文采用即时侦测所得到的接收端讯号强度指示(Received-Signal-Strength-Indicator,RSSI),得知当下网路上通讯的品质,并藉着平均 RSSI值 (Average-RSSI)的计算来判断网路中讯号品质的波动,如此将比传统使用 RSSI 临界值之方法,更能贴近网路品质状况的真正表现。透过本论文所提出的方法动态地选择速率,可获得更理想的传输效能。实验结果呈现出,我们所提出的方法考量了未来网路品质的变化,并快速地针对网路品质调整传输方式,可得到较好的网路效能,以及更高的传输可靠度,并同时大幅地降低了资料传输的能量消耗。
A wireless body area network (WBAN) is a wireless network that incorporates embedded sensors on the human body with the aim to monitor physiological parameters from multiple patient bodies. WBANs increases the comfort and mobility of patients while allowing remote access of data whenever necessary. The paper proposes an adaptive rate switching MAC protocol for WBAN to resist the frequent changing of channel quality and meanwhile, the protocol increases the network throughput and decreases the energy consumption. In wireless environments of WBAN, channel quality varies with time. The proposed protocol dynamically detects the current RSSI to estimate the channel quality through the previous average RSSI value calculated. According to the results generated from the proposed protocol, the proposed protocol enables a transmitter WSN to select an appropriate transmission rate dynamically to transmit in order to both increase the reliability and shorten the channel access time of the transmission. The simulation results show our proposed protocol has better performance, higher transmission reliability, higher network throughput and lower transmission energy consumption by the rate matching.


  1. 167301.pdf

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