標題: 失真輸入電壓供電下昇壓型切換式整流器之無電流感測控制
Current Sensorless Control for Boost-Type SMR With Distorted Input Voltage
作者: 林志杰
Lin, Chih-Chieh
Chen, Hung-Chi
關鍵字: 切換式整流器;無電流感測控制;switched-mode rectifier;current sensorless control
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本篇文章是利用昇壓型切換式整流器電路,實現無電流感測控制迴路架構。其目的為取代多迴路控制架構,因為傳統多迴路需要回授輸入電壓、輸出電壓和電感電流三種感測,用三種回授信號控制輸入電流波形規劃和輸出電壓調節。而無電流感測控制架構在不需要回授輸入電流下,可以不用考慮對電感電流取樣及偵測,因此可以減少控制架構的複雜度、減少感測元件數並達到國際間對電流諧波所設立的規範。
The conventional multi-loop control senses input voltage, output voltage and inductor current to yield in-phase sinusoidal current and regulate the output voltage. In this paper, current sensorless control for boost-type switched mode rectifier (SMR) is proposed where only input and output voltages are sensed. The current sensorless control only have one voltage loop, therefore can reduce the control structure, the order of complexity, the number of sensors and meet international standard.
In this thesis, the effects of input current waveform are analyzed and modeled with considering the inductor resistance and conduction voltages. From the simulation and experiment results, we can find that the input sinusoidal current is also in-phase with the input voltage even when the input voltage is significantly distorted. The developed control scheme can also be extended to other circuit topologies.
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