標題: 基於環境感測之行動輔具設計
On the Design of a Robot Walking Helper Based on Environmental Sensing
作者: 游勝雄
Yu, Sheng-Hsiung
Young, Kuu-Young
關鍵字: 煞車控制;智慧型行動輔具;被動式機器人;Break control;intelligent walker;passive robotics
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 在本論文中,我們設計一套機器人行動輔具(i-go Walking Helper)來輔助老年人的行動,降低老年人行走時跌倒的可能性。本研究所提出的機器人行動輔具是由支撐架、二個腳輪、以及二個搭載著伺服煞車器的輪子所組成,其設計是基於被動式輔具的概念,以伺服煞車器來限制輔具速度。由於i-go是一套被動式行動輔具,其中被動動態指的是當使用者施予力/力矩時,i-go輔具才會開始移動。整個動作中並未透過主動式馬達來驅動輔具,此設計主要是基於安全性的考量,避免因不當的主動力量反而造成使用者施力不平衡而跌倒。同時,本文中也提出了基於環境感測演算法,融合了環境的資訊,提供了避障和重力補償功能,即使在未知的環境中推著輔具行走的老人也能閃避障礙物,在斜坡上行走時,也不會因坡度而下滑,此演算法可以更進一步地增加i-go輔具的穩定性與安全性。
In this thesis, we design a robot walking helper (i-go walking helper) to assist the elders’ motion and reduce the possibility that the elderly falls down while walking. This research proposes the robot walking helper consisting of a support frame, two carters, and two wheels equipped with servo brakes. The design is based on the concept of passive robotics, which uses servo brakes to limit the velocity of the walker. I-go is a passive walking helper as this assistive device will move only when the user’s force is applied, so-called passive dynamics. The design is based on the concern of safety. In this way, the user will not fall down due to unbalanced force from inappropriate active force. Meanwhile, a control algorithm is also proposed in this thesis. According to environmental sensing, obstacle avoidance and gravity compensation functions are built. When the elderly pushes the walking helper in the unknown environment, he/she knows how to avoid obstacle. When walking on the hill, the elderly will not slide down from the slope. The algorithm much enhances the stability and safety of the i-go walking helper.


  1. 260701.pdf
  2. 260702.pdf

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