標題: 複雜外型超音波放大器之有限元素分析與最佳化設計
Finite Element Analysis and Optimum Design on Ultrasonic Horn in Complicated Geometry
作者: 陳聖平
Chen, Sheng-Ping
Hung, Ching-Hua
關鍵字: 超音波振幅放大器;振幅均勻度;有限元素分析;最佳化設計;ultrasonic horn;amplitude uniformity;FEA;optimum design
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 目前業界對於超音波振幅放大器的設計製作方法,均憑藉理論近似解與經驗公式進行初步的設計製作,再利用模擬分析試誤法,憑藉以反覆模擬結果修改之模型進行模擬分析,以求得最佳設計參數,實際上相當沒效率。 本研究結合電腦輔助設計、有限元素分析與最佳化設計,進行系統整合技術的開發,提供一精準、快速、且自動化的振幅放大器設計系統。研究中針對兩不同類型的振幅放大器進行外型之最佳化設計,以改善其輸出振幅分佈不均勻之問題,並就振幅放大器最佳化設計之數據進行原型製造與振幅量測實驗,驗證有限元素分析模擬的準確性。實驗結果證明,有限元素分析與實驗值接近;研究中所建立的最佳化設計系統,能夠改善振幅放大器振幅分佈不均勻的問題,且有效提升了放大器設計及開發的效率。
Presently in the industry, the design process of the ultrasonic horn is based on approximate theoretical solutions and empirical formulas to obtain rough design, and then finite element analysis was conducted to refine the design. This numerical design was then modified through iterative trial-and-error experiments. The whole process is time consuming in getting final optimum parameters. This research combines the computer-aided design, the finite element analysis and the optimum design to provide a high-speed, accurate and automatic system for the horn design. This research carries out the optimum design on two different type of ultrasonic horn, in order to improve the uniformity of the amplitude output. Also use the optimized parameters to produce prototype horns and measure theirs amplitude experimentally to verify the accuracy of the simulations. The results showed that the FEA models are closed to the experimental data, and the optimum design system in this research improved the uniformity of the amplitude output of the horn. Also, the integrated system indeed increased the efficiency in designing the horns.


  1. 450101.pdf

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