Title: 重力平衡式助行輔具的創新設計與動態模擬
Innovative Design and Dynamic Simulation of Walking Assisted Device With Gravity Balance Algorithm
Authors: 宋志元
Sung, Chih-Yung
Cheng, Pi-Ying
Keywords: 萃思;重力平衡;動態模擬;步行輔助機構;TRIZ;Gravity Balance;Dynamic Simulation;Walking Assisted mechanism
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 本研究針對步行輔助的兩足助行機構輔具進行探討,提出兼顧靜態平衡支撐與動態行動省力的設計概念與原則,整理目前市面上已經有的產品,並且結合TRIZ設計理論,提供設計的方向,將主要產品特色設定為隨時都能保持穩定平衡以及使用者省力為目標,提出數種行動輔助助行輔具設計架構,作為本論文分析與實驗模型。 本研究首先採用重力平衡(Gravity Balance)理論,藉由彈簧加入靜態平衡力的概念,改變或消除機構系統中總位能的角度變數的影響,保持靜力的平衡,計算最佳的彈簧K值與機構參數,讓總位能為降低或不受角度影響的函數值,初步模型架構確定後,藉由靜態與動態模擬,將彈簧係數套入動態研究中,研究所設計的固定彈簧係數在動態下的效果與影響,並與相關研究作比較驗證,藉以修改設計,產生新的架構;希望以此架構,做為實驗室未來開發新型步行輔助兩足機構設計之參考。
The current study proposes the innovative concept of gravity balance and dynamic efficiency for developing a energy saving walking assisting device for the people hard to walk themselves. The problems encountered by developing and developed countries getting serious labor shortage and increasing of old age society. A walking assisted mechanism are that can help people easy to walk or move heavy load is thus to be a focus topic of the study. First of all, we searched and surveyed the products on the current market to define the need of the design object. Second, we use the design theory: TRIZ to define our design direction with two targets. Those are this mechanism can keep user in stable at anytime and energy saving. Following the design targets, we propose a two legged walking assisted device for the experimental model of this thesis. The spring were adopted to implement the gravity balance force. The coefficient of the spring has been calculated and designed to generate a potential energy function without the angle variables. The total potential energy thus becomes a constant. Then, we develop a program to evaluate the effect of energy saving at Dynamic status for deriving or better design of the walking assisting device. We hope this study conclusion and design prototype can be improved and developed into a new two-legged walking assisted design platform, and help to initiated many new developed easy to use assisting device to reach a more happy and healthy society in the future.
Appears in Collections:Thesis