標題: 國道工程分標決策因子之探討與分析
A study on Tendering Strategies for National Expressway Projects
作者: 王屏生
Ping-Sheng Wang
Ren-Jye Dzeng
關鍵字: 分標;分標決策因子;分標原則;bid package;decesion facctor of bid package;rules of bid package preparing
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 台灣地區目前已全線通車之高速公路,計有國道一號中山高速公路和國道三號第二高速公路,正施工中有國道五號北宜高速公路及國道六號南投段。國道工程均具有工程規模龐大、線形長遠、鉅額經費、地形地質複雜、施工困難度高、工法新穎等特性,若能藉由分標案例建立國道工程的分標原則及可行性,可助於推動日後環島高速公路工程計畫分標之參考。 國道工程依主要工作項目屬性概分為路工工程、橋梁工程、隧道工程、建築工程、設施工程、附屬工程等六大類,因為各大類工程包含作業項目繁多,又有專業性考量,工期較長但有限期通車壓力,且存在既有的界面,本研究即在嚐試分析探討在此等特性下,不同屬性工程分標決策因子及影響程度。 本研究首先回顧相關文獻以了解分標的定義及優缺點、發包策略與分標的關聯性,暨相關法令規定,且訪談實際參與擬訂分標策略或施工履約管理之人員,再分析探討國道工程設計分標發包策略之演進及差異、施工過程界面影響案例,並根據考量面向、工程屬性、施工經驗等,研擬各項分標決策因子及評估影響程度大小。 依據研究結果,分標決策因子有土方平衡、專業分標、扶植廠商、減少界面、主辦機關管理模式、分段通車需要、廠商能量、避開高挖填處、發包招標方式、大標制(綜合標)、社會環境因素等,橋梁、隧道、機電、照明、系統工程等均為專業分標,路工工程為土方平衡分標,小規模獨立施工區域單獨分標以扶植廠商,為維持一定工程規模水準,宜採大標制分標,更可減少界面,主線各標則均受分段通車需要之因子影響。
Taiwan national No.1 and No.3 freeway project have opened to traffic. Taipei-Ilan expressway project, Nantou section, national No. 6 project are under construction now. Due to properties of these projects are multi-millions dollars size, super long alignment, complication of territory and geology factors, and difficulty of construction, the adequate scope definition of each construction lot of projects is necessary to complete projects smoothly. The study of scope definition of bided freeway construction projects acquires experience and rules which can be applied to the future projects of Taiwan closed-linked freeway. In general, the freeway project composes 6 categories of works listed as: road, bridge, tunnel, architecture, facility, and auxiliary. With large number activities and profession oriented, each category may mutually affect each other. If the combination of categories in one lot is not arranged well, it could damage the goal of project completion on time. After analyzing properties of different categories, the decision making factors and weight of each factor for construction lots scope definition can be introduced. To realize the strategy for the lot scope definition and advantage and disadvantage of different strategies, the study reviews wide ranges of relative references, interviews person who participated in the core works of lots scope definition and contract administrators of construction period. Finally, the factors can be generated by considering work category, properties of the project, and construction experience. In addition, the weight of each factor is evaluated. The factors include earth work balance, profession oriented, small firms cultivated, interface minimization, administration style of owner, requirement to open to traffic partially, capacity of construction firms, tendering style, and consideration of society environment. Separately, work for bridge, tunnel, E&M, illumination, and system integration is considered as an independent professional lot. Balance of earth work is the primary factor for a road work construction lot. Small size and located in isolated area, the project is designated to take care of small firms. In order to minimize interfaces and maintain certain size of project, the acceptation of complicated and huge categories as a single lot is reasonable.


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