Title: 壓電無閥式微幫浦流固耦合分析
Fluid-Structure Coupling Analysis of Piezoelectric Valveless micropump
Authors: 陳俊佑
Chen, Chun-Yu
Tsui, Yeng-Yung
Keywords: 微幫浦;流固耦合;壓電薄膜;micropump;Fluid-Structure Coupling;Piezoelectric membrane
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 本研究為模擬壓電無閥式微幫浦流固耦合分析。在模擬當中,將利用ANSYS軟體計算壓電致動器振動位移並將與CFD程式相互結合運算。在計算時將幫浦內流場壓力視為作用在壓電致動器表面之外力,以探討在不同操作頻率下微幫浦之特性。且在研究中比較壓電致動器之位移模擬結果與振動學之理論解,且出現相似現象與結果。結果發現在不同負載頻率下,微幫浦將出現相位差的現象,並且在1590Hz時會有最大相位的發生。文中指出當忽略流場壓力對壓電致動器影響時的結果比較,得到當隨著幫浦操作頻率愈高時,流場壓力對壓電致動器之影響愈大之結論,也因此結論而得知當微幫浦作動時須在一最佳頻率操作方能得到最佳效能之結果。並顯示當負載頻率愈高,即愈不可將流場壓力對壓電致動器之影響忽略,此現象都將與實驗相符合。
This research is the Fluid-structure coupling analysis of piezoelectric valveless micropump. In the simulation, we use the ANSYS software to computation the displacement of the piezoelectric actuators and operation mutually with the CFD program. In the study, the chamber pressure of the pump is regarded as the force on the surface of the piezoelectric actuator, and discuss characteristic of the micro pump under different excited frequency. Also compares the displacement of the piezoelectric actuators of the ANSYS simulation result with theory of vibration solution and presents the similar phenomenon. The result demonstration under the different excited frequency, the micropump will present the phase difference and the biggest phase occurrence in 1590Hz. In the study pointed out the pressure of the pump affect to the piezoelectric actuators is more obvious when increases the excited frequency. However, the result show when the micropump operative, it have to in the most suitable excited frequency be able to obtain result of the best efficiency. In conclusion, it can not neglect the pressure of the pump to influence the piezoelectric actuators when the higher excited frequency. This phenomenon tallies with the experiment.
Appears in Collections:Thesis