標題: 地方政府設置統一發包中心功能評估之研究
Evaluation of Unified Contracting Center For Local Government- Using Hsin-Chu County Government as Example
作者: 王金倉
Chin-Tsang Wang
Wei-Chih Wang
關鍵字: 統一發包;集中採購;層級分析法;Unified contracting,;Centralized Procurement;AHP
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 政府採購為國家施政計畫之具體執行,因此採購制度之良窳,和政策推動之成敗息息相關。自民國八十八年五月二十七日政府採購法施行以後,對於政府採購環境產生了革命性的影響,政府各項採購如工程、財物及勞務之採購過程,已較以往更為公平、公開、透明及制度化,尤其在促進競爭、減少浪費方面,發揮了相當大的功效。惟根據相關研究調查,目前國內仍有諸多機關在執行採購作業時,往往因為採購專業能力或人力不足,以致採購效率低落,影響採購品質,甚至容易衍生爭議等問題,尚待檢討改善。 基於「統一發包機制」之推行具有增進採購效率、降低採購成本、減少採購爭議、落實專業專責採購施政目標之功能,惟地方政府之推動實施並無明確法源依據,致其整體效益無法顯現。為瞭解發包中心作業功能之效益,本研究針對中央與二十五個地方政府之發包策略以及地方政府施政特性進行探討,藉由多準則決策及層級分析法,研擬作業評估模式,以評估作業功能之效益,作為決定地方政府發包中心功能推動之策略。 本研究以新竹縣政府發包中心為評估案例,利用建構之效益評估模式,以四項施政目標為評估準則、十五項評估項目為指標,由組織專業人員對地方政府可具備之十二項作業功能進行政策評估,決定出作業功能發展優先順序,並驗證發包中心任務應以採購執行面之整合及監督管理為主,藉以檢討地方政府目前推動之策略方向,提供未來施政重點與發展之建議,並提昇新竹縣政府整體施政效能。
National procurement is the fulfillment of promises of national policy execution. The excellence of a procurement system will decide the execution performance of a national policy. Since the national procurement act was promulgated on May 27th, 1999, there has produced a revolutionary impact on the national procurement environment. Such various national procurement items as construction, financial and labor items have already been more equal, open, transparent and systematic. Especially, market competition and waste reduction have been highly promoted and improved. However, according to relevant survey, many government’s institutions’ procurement efficiency and quality are still low, because many institutions lack enough professional procurement staff, or manpower. Some contentious problems resulting from incomplete procurement system do need to be reviewed and solved. It is already confirmed that the fulfillment of “Unified contracting out mechanism” can promote procurement efficiency, lower procurement cost, reduce procurement debates, and address the functions and goals that procurement jobs are responsible and executed by relevant professional staff. However, as the local governments lack confirmed law for fulfilling procurement, the overall performance efficiency can’t be improved. For understanding the functions and efficiency of the Unified Contracting Center’s operation, this research aims at analyzing and reviewing the contracting strategies of the central government and 25 local governments. A proper operation mode is evaluated through multiple-principle decision-making and hierarchal analysis methods for assessing the efficiency and function of the related procurement operation and also for the local governments’ contracting centers to make strategies for promoting efficiency. This research takes Hsinchu county’s contracting center as an evaluating example. The efficiency obtained from our suggestion modes is used as evaluation mode. Four national government’s policies are used as evaluation principles, while 15 appraisal items are used as indexes. Professional staff are organized and teamed for evaluating 12 items of operation functions which can be fulfilled by local governments. The operation function development priority sequence is then decided. The mission of contracting centers shall be examined that the integration of executing procurement and monitoring and management shall be the major issues. Reviewing the strategy trends being by local governments is used for making suggestion for the development of futuristic policy makings and for enhancing the overall policy fulfillment efficiency of Hsinchu county government.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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