標題: 感溫變色塗料於非破壞性檢測應用之可行性研究
Study of Thermal Sensitive Coating Application in Non-destructive Testing
作者: 容沛倫
Jung Pei-Lun
Jau Wen-Chen
關鍵字: 感溫變色;非破壞性檢測;thermal sensitive;non-destructive testing
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本研究的目的在研發一種會隨溫度改變顏色的塗料,將其塗在物體表面,利用物體內部孔隙或鋼筋與混凝土熱傳導係數的不同,造成表面在熱傳遞的過程中,會使表面顏色變化出現快慢差異。利用本塗料可用肉眼觀測出物體內部之空洞與孔隙位置分佈與形狀,進而利用為非破壞性檢測的方法之一。 本文主要分成兩個實驗來探討:第一部份是混凝土內含空洞的非破壞性檢測;第二部份是混凝土內含鋼筋的非破壞性檢測。 非破壞性檢測法是在不破壞物質的前提下,探知內部之檢測方法。優點是快速、方便、且應用層面廣。目前尚無文獻查得利用感溫變色塗料的方式來檢測混凝土內部的方法,未來可發展於土木結構材料的非破壞性檢測方法之一。
The purpose of this paper is to research a thermal sensitive coating which allows the surface of an object to change its colors during the heat transferring process. Due to the void within the concrete or the differences between steel’s and concrete’s thermal conductivities, the timing of color changing varies from one object to another. By applying the thermal sensitive coating, it is able to visually determine the location and shape of the void within an object and can then further be developed to be one of the non-destructive testing.   This paper is organized into two primary experiments. The first one is to conduct the non-destructive testing on concrete with void where the second one is to conduct the same testing on concrete with steel.   The advantages of conducting the non-destructive testing on interior of an object include prompt response, convenience and wide-range application without causing any damage to the object. There is no relevant literature published at this point in time to utilize coating on the concrete and examine the interior of the concrete. The coating method proposed in this paper is proven to be one of the possible non-destructive testing on the materials used in civil structure. Key words : thermal sensitive, non-destructive testing