標題: 房屋預售客選建材之空間視覺化系統
Space Visualization System for Customized Change in Real Estate Sale
作者: 蔡逸婷
Tsai, Yi-Ting
Dzeng, Ren-Jye
關鍵字: 預售屋;建材;展示系統;視覺化;Presale Homes;Building Material;Display System;Visulation
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 目前已有消費者服務導向的建設公司,願意提供預售屋變更設計的服務,然而市面 上的建材(Building Material)選擇是多樣化,可惜樣品屋往往只能呈現其中一種樣貌,購 屋者不易體驗不同建材組合之視覺效果。 現存3D 室內裝修之相關設計軟體,如:空間魔法師、3ds MAX 和AIDsystem 等等 設計軟體,其操作程序較為複雜必須仰賴專業人員,對建商及購屋者都不方便,因此簡 單、便捷使用的建材造樣視覺系統有其必要。 此系統前置作業需利用Photoshop 切割出空間照片底圖和廚具、玄關門及浴缸等等 視覺物件(Visual Object),並依命名原則存檔後置入建案(Building Project)資料夾,透過 VB2008 結合資料庫開發的室內建材空間展示模擬系統,來提供更換視覺物件並產生建 材訂單、住戶安裝表單和建材確認單等功能。除此之外,依輸入系統的照片底圖及視覺 物件不同,系統可應用於各方面設計組合之視覺模擬,例如:服飾、鞋子彩繪及汽車外 型改造等等,未來也可結合RFID 的技術,將貼上晶片的建材,放置展示桌相對的感應 器上,系統讀取資料判別建材後展示變更結果,猶如模擬實境。
The construction companys have provided service of altering the design when the consumer buy presale home. And the consumer have many options of building materials on the market. it's a pity one of these kind of looks can be seen in the model home, it is difficult for the consumer to experience the visual effect that different building materials make up. Now the relevant design software of interior decoration , for instance: Space Magician, 3dsMAX and AIDsystem. It must be dependent on professional personnel to use software. For consumers and home builders are inconvenient , so simple and convenient is essential to use visual system The system needs to utilize Photoshop to cut out visual object such as space photo base map, furniture, and bathtub. Visual objects put into the building project with normalize. The Simulation System combines the database with VB2008 that offer to change the visual objects, and produce building materials order, household to install functions such as forms, and building materials confirmation form. In addition, by inputting the photo and visual objects of different kinds, the system can be applied to the different fields. For example: clothes, shoes colored drawing, and car. In the future the Simulation System can also combine the technology of Radio-frequency identification (RFID). The Simulation System will show the result of altering like the real border of simulation when the sensor read data of the building material’s wafer.


  1. 658401.pdf

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