Title: 高速公路服務區各設施重要性及用路人滿意度之分析
Analysis of Facilities' Importance and User's Satisfaction in Freeway Service Area
Authors: 孫雅芸
Dr.Cheng-Chan Hwang
Keywords: 高速公路服務區;重要度;滿意度;freeway service area;importance;degree of satisfaction
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 台灣地區高速公路服務區之餐廳及零售店,自民國六十九年起採「最高價決標」辦理招標,嗣後由於商品價格偏高、服務品質低落遭人垢病,遂於民國八十八年後改採「服務導向」的「最有利標」評選方式辦理招標。自採最有利標後,為吸引用路人前往消費,服務區均朝多元化及觀光遊憩發展,增加額外的非必要旅次。尤以國道三號高速公路通車以來,因服務區景觀優美、建築獨具特色,輔以完善的休閒設施及附屬功能,用路人常駐足而流連忘返,伴隨而來的卻是服務區假日的擁塞及服務品質的降低。 本研究首先收集國內外服務區及休息站資料,並加以整理及歸納,作為本研究之背景資料及問卷設計之參考,並以曾經使用國道三號高速公路關西、清水及東山服務區之用路人為調查對象,利用問卷調查方式,分析用路人過去使用服務區的經驗、對服務區各設施之需求與重要度、和對服務區現有設施的重視及滿意度,以及服務區未來發展方向等。 本研究結果顯示,用路人對服務區之功能定位仍維持提供短暫休息之處所。對於服務區基本設施之重要度排序依序為廁所、停車場及加油站;附屬設施依序為便利超商、美食街;服務區的附屬功能依序為餐飲、交通觀光資訊的提供、大眾運輸的轉運。在服務區現有設施重要度與滿意度分析結果,以停車資訊的提供及廁所衞生紙的補充列為優先改善的項目。研究結果可以提供主管單位施政的參考。
In 1980, the operation of restaurants and retail store in service area and rest area was subcontracted to the private sector which submitted highest bid to raise fund by the government authority. Few years later, the general public complained about the high price and low service quality. Therefore, the authority made the change in 1999 to choose the subcontractor with “value-aided” and “service orientation” criteria. The operation has significant change after 1999 because the subcontractor tries to develop service areas with multiple functions to attract more consumers. Since the second freeway put in service, the scenic service areas, unique architecture and functional facilities have attracted a lot of road users. The crowds in service areas during weekend have increased the congestion and lower the service quality. This study begins with data collection about service areas in Taiwan and the foreign countries as background information. A questionnaire survey focused on the road users who have visited Guansi, Cingshuei and Dongsham service area is then conducted, in order to investigate their viewpoints, needs, importance and satisfaction regarding service areas’ facility. The result indicates that the road users still define the primary function of service area as temporarily rest place. The importance of basic facilities are ranked as restrooms, parking, gas station, etc. The convenient store and food mart are ranked as top important additional facilities. Dinning, tourism information, transfer are the most important additional functions. Parking information and toilet tissue supply need immediately improve according to the importance and satisfaction analysis. These results may be helpful to the authority in making management decisions.
Appears in Collections:Thesis