標題: 應用反向對準型液晶波板研製可調式相位延遲元件之研究
Design and Fabrication of a tunable phase retardator using anti-parallel liquid crystal plate
作者: 郭仲倫
Kuo, Chung-Lun
Lin, Shiuan-Huei
關鍵字: 液晶;相位延遲板;可調式相位板;瓊斯矩陣;liquid crystal;phase retardator;tunable phase retardator;Jones matrix method
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 在本論文中,我們分析並研製可調式相位延遲波板之元件,作為全像資訊儲存系統中改變光波偏振態器件之應用。我們選用反向對準的間列型液晶晶胞當作設計的基礎,希望利用外加電壓改變液晶晶胞之雙折射特性,達到純相位調製的功能,形成可調式相位延遲板。
In this thesis, we investigate on the design and fabrication of a tunable phase retardator using anti-parallel (AP) liquid crystal plate for the application on holographic data storage. With applying voltage, birefringence characteristic of liquid crystal cell can be controlled so that the polarization state of light can be switched. Thus, the liquid crystal cell can work as a tunable pure phase retardator.
At first, we derive theoretically relationship between the tilted angles of the liquid molecules as a function of the position in liquid crystal cell under different external voltage. Secondly, by using extended Jones matrix method, the phase retardation of input linear polarization wave as a function of the external voltage can be calculated. It is fundament concept to design our device. Furthermore, with help extended Jones matrix method, we can investigate the viewing angle characteristics of the liquid crystal device and then optimize the operation parameters of the liquid crystal cell such as thickness, external voltages for operation of the half-wave and full-wave plates.
In experiments, we first prepare the AP liquid crystal cell with different thickness and then place the cell within cross polarizes to form a sandwich structure. By varying voltage across AP cell, we measure transmission of normal incident light. We compare experimental results with theoretic analyses, and then obtain the operation parameters of the device. Then, by introducing an extra lens to converge light into the liquid cell, we measure the transmission of the liquid crystal cell and polarizer sandwich to study about the viewing angle characteristics. With comparison with theoretical analyses, the design parameters of the liquid crystal cell can be optimized.


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