標題: 高效能非晶系銦鎵鋅氧雙極性有機薄膜電晶體
High Performance Amorphous InGaZnO4/Organic Ambipolar Thin Film Transistors
作者: 朱益興
Chu, Yi-Hsing
Shieh, Han-Ping
關鍵字: 銦鎵鋅氧;互補式電路;雙極性電晶體;IGZO;ambipolar;CMOS-like
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 在矽基板上,運用了兩種主動層材料pentacene / a-IGZO做成的雙極性薄膜電晶體,可以在大氣環境下有穩定的特性展現。Pentacene在雙極性薄膜電晶體中扮演著電洞傳輸的角色,相對的a-IGZO則是提供了電子傳輸。許多傳統的電子傳輸材料,在空氣中都會有不穩定的效果,必須藉由覆蓋一層修飾層來達到在空氣中量測的目的,但是a-IGZO卻可以直接在大氣環境下有穩定的特性。而且其具有透明的新穎性,遠高於非晶矽的載子遷移率等較佳電性,還同時保留了非晶系材料的高均勻性優點。而低製程溫度的需求更進一步的揭示使用便宜的玻璃基板,塑膠基板的可行性,也暗示著軟性電子的應用。成功結合 pentacene/a-IGZO 兩種半導體材料製作成雙極性薄膜電晶體(ambipolar TFTs),製作成 CMOS-like inverter circuit 可應用並簡化顯示器上之驅動電路。且其在第一象限有高達70的電壓增益,亦可工作在第三象限。
Air-stable ambipolar thin-film transistors (TFTs) based on double active layer of pentacene / a-IGZO (amorphous In2O3-Ga2O3-ZnO) have been examined on SiO2 /p-Si substrates. The a-IGZO exhibits n-channel behavior, while pentacene presents p-channel characteristics. Most n-type organic materials are easily affected by moisture and oxygen, thus measuring ambipolar devices in ambience air is difficult. However, a-IGZO not only has outstanding mobility but also has good stability while being measured in ambient air. In our work, a CMOS-like inverter was constructed using two identical ambipolar transistors and the voltage gain up to 70 was obtained. CMOS-like inverter circuit was made to demonstrate the possibility for display applications. The inverter can be operated in both the first and the third quadrants, simplifying circuit design for active matrix flat panel display applications.


  1. 454503.pdf

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