標題: 線上討論對改善國中生數學學習及表達能力之行動研究
Action Research on Improving the Mathematics Study of Junior High School Students and The Expression Ability by On-line Discussion
作者: 游宜憫
Fu-Shiang P. Tsen
關鍵字: 線上討論;表達能力;數學學習;行動研究;On-line Discussion;Expression Ability;Mathematics Learning;Action research
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本研究的研究問題主要是利用線上會議室,探討1.在建構一個線上討論的環境時,產生的問題及解決方式。2.觀察並改善學生在線上討論時的所展現的表達能力。3.線上討論的過程中,學生表現的合作學習模式。4.利用線上學習的環境,觀察學生的數學學習表現。   本研究的對象是一個班的國中八年級學生,全班共三十八人。該校為一般常態編班模式,班上學生程度為常態分布。實驗的過程中,讓學生自行分組,自行約定每週下課後的一個小時時間,依照老師給定問題或同學自己提出的問題,在家上網進行討論。進行約三個月的時間,每組約有十次左右的討論記錄,期間,研究者藉由參與討論,引導同學發展出比較成熟的討論環境,並觀察訓練小組長,之後就慢慢減少教師參與的程度,而由同學自行發展討論,並由小組長引導。利用參考自 Ploya的解題步驟而自行編製的『線上討論表達能力評量指標』,分析學生在討論進行中所展現的表達能力。而在最後的一個階段,利用線上填寫學習單的方式,評估學生在回歸個人學習之後,在線上學習的環境下,數學學習的表現。 研究的結果發現:1.學生在討論過程中,不管是利用文字或圖形甚至口頭描述,比較敢於表達想法。部分同學對於數學概念的描述,甚至能利用相當準確的數學語言傳達想法。2.學生的表達能力,經過適當的引導,可以使討論的內容更豐富、學習的效果更為顯著。3.學生在線上討論時,表現出不同的討論模式,其中以學習夥伴式的討論小組,展現的討論內容與表達方式,最為豐富。3.本研究並無特定教材內容,而是以當時課程進行中的教材為主。在進行幾何內容時,學生展現的想法遠比代數內容豐富許多。4. 在線上討論時,展現優秀表達能力的學生,在學習成就上並沒有明顯的改變,但是在學習態度上,表現出比較積極、主動的態度。   在整個研究過程中,研究者也感覺到,透過不同學習方式的引導,有助於對學生的客觀評量,當教師能多方面的發現並欣賞學生的才能時,才能適當給予學生正面的鼓勵或改善的建議。如此,學生才會因為你的「了解」而表現更加優秀。
Focusing on 38 students in an 8th-grade class of which the school adopts “normal class grouping,” this thesis investigates, firstly, the problems and solutions in the process of creating online discussing communities, secondly, the students’ ability to express when having online discussions, thirdly, the modes of student-cooperation on-line through a research on “online-discussing communities.” It finally explores the students’ learning outcome in math with the assistance of online discussion. Throughout the three-month experiment, the experimental students divided themselves into groups and set up a one-hour online discussion. Each group met for about 10 times. In the beginning, the experimenter joins and guides the students to develop a practiced discussion environment and gradually decreases his intervention. The students then develop their own discussion under the guidance of student leaders. Referring to Ploya’s “online discussing ability norm,” this thesis analyzes students’ ability to express through online discussion. In the final stage, this thesis provides an evaluation of the students’ math learning outcome through an analysis of online worksheets. This thesis finally detects that, firstly, students tend to express their opinions more often online whether through words, pictures or oral descriptions, secondly, through appropriate guidance, the students’ online discussions enrich the content and increase the learning effects. Thirdly, the students develop different modes of online discussions, among which, groups of the “partner-discussing mode” best represents the various ways of online discussion and expressing abilities. Lastly, this thesis discovers that students who shows better expressing abilities in online discussions tend to show more active attitudes, even if the influences on learning outcome is restricted. In the experimental process, the researcher perceives that through various ways of instruction, teachers are able to appreciate student abilities in multiple ways and provide appropriate encouragements and suggestions to students, which this thesis concludes as effective to improve student learning behavior.
Appears in Collections:Thesis