標題: 紅色磷光主發光體材料研究與元件製作
Synthesis and Characterization of Two Red Phosphorescent Host
作者: 謝雅柔
Hsieh, Ya-Jou
Shu, Ching-Fong
關鍵字: 有機發光二極體;OLED
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 摘要 論文中第一部分針對所合成之SFTA與SFTC雙極性主發光體材料,探討其基本物理性質,並將其應用於紅色磷光電激發光二極體。此兩個雙極性主發光體因具有傳電洞的carbazole或triphenylamine片段與傳電子的磺酰苯衍生物,促使發光層中具有較佳之平衡的載子傳遞能力。且由於分子結構相當剛硬且非平面,使得SFTA與SFTC有良好的熱穩定性與成膜性。將SFTA與SFTC做為主發光體材料,並以紅色磷光材料Ir(piq)3作為客發光體材料,以SFTA為主發光體材料所製成之元件具有最佳的效率表現,其最大外部量子效率與功率效率分別是15.6 %與19.8 lm W-1。而以SFTC為主發光體材料所製成之元件,其最大外部量子效率與功率效率分別是12.6 %與16.5 lm W-1。
We report the synthesis and characterization of two bipolar red phosphorescent host materials combining hole-transporting group (triphenylamine or 9-phenylcarbazole) and electron-transporting group (2, 7-bis(phenylsulfonyl)-9-phenylfluoren-9-yl), namely SFTA and SFTC. Using bipolar materials may facilitate the hole and electron injection and balance the charge fluxes. Moreover, the three-dimensional, rigid and asymmetric structures of SFTA and SFTC hinder their close packing and suppress their crystallization, leading to an amorphous material exhibiting pronounced thermal stability. Highly efficient red eletrophosphorescent OLED with a relatively low turn-on voltage (2.0 V) was obtained by employing SFTA as the host and 7 wt % Ir(piq)3 as the guest, and the maximum external quantum efficincy shows 15.6 % and the maximum power efficiency of 19.8 lm W-1. The maximum external quantum efficincy of 12.6 % and the maximum power efficiency of 16.5 lm W-1 were achieved by using SFTC as the host for doping 7 wt % Ir(piq)3.


  1. 553901.pdf

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