標題: 咖啡連鎖店消費者行為及市場區隔之研究-以台北市消費者為例
The Study of Consumer Behavior and Market Segmentation of Coffee Chain Stores in Taipei City
作者: 鄭婷婷
Cheng, Ting-Ting
Chen, Quang-Hua
Lin, Chiun-Sin
關鍵字: 咖啡連鎖店;消費者行為;市場區隔;生活型態;coffee chain stores;consumer behavior;market segmentation;lifestyle
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本研究以EKB消費者行為理論之模式探討購買決策過程,包括需求認知、資訊尋求等五個階段,發展出消費者行為變數,同時選擇適當生活型態變數作為市場區隔基礎,將市場分割為數個區隔,再加上人口統計變數,具此描述與剖析各區隔市場之消費者的行為特性,最後根據上述的分析,提出行銷策略的建議,以提供咖啡連鎖店業者作參考。 經現場實地進行問卷發放,研究範圍包括星巴克、85oC、真鍋、丹堤咖啡、怡客、伯朗咖啡館及西雅圖極品等七家咖啡連鎖店,於98年3月1日到3月13日期間至台北市十家郵局進行隨機抽樣,共收集452份有效問卷。採用SPSS12.0版進行資料分析,首先採用因素分析法對生活型態變數進行資料縮減,再以集群分析法將消費者分群,之後以各項統計方法檢定研究假設,包括描述性統計、Pearson相關檢定、T檢定、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe事後比較與信度檢定等。 研究結果發現,咖啡連鎖店消費者可透過生活型態變數,區隔為「消費便利型」、「新潮流行型」及「崇尚媒體型」三種類型。而各區隔市場的消費者在人口統計、消費動機、資訊尋求、商店形象評估準則及各項消費實態上,皆有顯著差異。
The study adopts EKB consumer behavior model as the conceptual framework. The life style variables and demographic variables are input variables. The AIO life style variables are taken as categorization basis. Consumption reality variables describe the consumers' behavior in order to analyze the characteristics of consumers. The aim of the research is to investigate seven coffee chain stores in Taipei City, which include Starbucks, 85oC, Manabe, Br.Brown, Dante Coffee, IKARI, and Barista. Random sampling was used to retrieve 452 valid questionnaires from 10 Post offices in Taipei. Then we proceed the data analysis, by using the methods of factoring we reduce the data of consumers’ life style variables and then adopt group analysis to divide the subjects into different groups. After that, Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS12.0) are used to check all study hypotheses, including descriptive statistics analysis, pearson product-moment correlation, T test match-pair, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe multiple comparisons, and even Cronbach α. In the end, the study found that consumers of coffee chain stores can be categorized through life style variables as three types. These consumers in different types have obvious differences in demographic variables, sources of information, the evaluation principles of product attributes, and consuming style.