Title: 探討產品知識與自尊人格特質的交互作用對於資訊接收者受到口碑影響的差異
The Interactive Effect of Product Knowledge and Self-Esteem on the Impact of Word of Mouth
Authors: 賴彥勳
Lai, Yen-Hsin
Keywords: 口碑;產品知識;自尊;Word of Mouth;product knowledge;self-esteem
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 在消費市場裡,口碑是影響消費者決策與態度一個很強大的力量,尤其現在網路發達,使得人們口耳相傳的現象更加的頻繁。過去的研究已經著眼於資訊接收者的說服效果。本篇論文主要是在找出人格特質與非人際因素(產品知識)的交互作用對於資訊接收者說服效果的影響。本研究主要探討四個假設,自尊愈高時,資訊接收者比較不易受到口碑的影響,他們會傾向相信自己的判斷,為了維持心中的一致性而默視口碑的影響,也比較不會去尋求外界的資訊;而高知識的人比起低知識同樣地比較不易受到口耳相傳的影響,更不願意去搜尋產品資訊。而過去研究裡,對於高知識的族群受到說服效果的影響和搜尋資訊的程度眾說紛云,因此本篇論文將自尊為干擾變數,探討它們間的交互作用會產生什麼樣的結果,認為高知識且高自尊的人比較不會受到口碑的影響;而高知識且低自尊的人比較易受到口碑的說服。
Word-of-Mouth was a strong effect which influenced the decision and attitude of consumers in the consumer market. Particularly, since the development of Internet, the phenomenon of Word-of-Mouth (WOM) communication happened frequently in modern society. Several researchers had done studies on the effect of persuasion about information receivers. In this study, we discovered the interaction between the non-interpersonal forces (Product Knowledge) and personality corresponding to the information receiver. This study set four hypotheses and further verified them. The higher self-esteem of the information receiver, the less the influence of the sender’s WOM resulted in the receiver’s perceived quality. The receivers with higher self-esteem preferred to trust their decisions according to their results, and they had no intention to seek for information from others; the highly knowledgeable receiver was less likely to seek information than the lowly knowledgeable ones, and less likely to rely on WOM effect as well. In the past studies, it was an argument regarding the group whose persuasion effect of the highly knowledgeable and level of information searching. Therefore, the self-esteem was a moderating variable in this study, and the research results were gained from such interaction. The study assumed that for highly knowledgeable receivers, their personality of higher self-esteem resulted in less influences of the WOM on the receiver’s perceived quality. As for the highly knowledgeable receiver, their personality of lower self-esteem resulted in greater influences of the WOM on the receiver’s perceived quality.
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