標題: 台灣大專學生對企業公仔態度之研究
A Study of Taiwan College Students’ Attitudes Toward Spokes-characters
作者: 李侃紋
Lee, Kan-Wen
Charles V. Trappey
關鍵字: 企業公仔;關鍵事件技術;spokes-characters;critical incidents technique
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 自從2004年便利商店開始引進運用明星公仔在促銷及宣傳上面後,許多企業也紛紛自創公仔或是開始使用明星公仔。這些公仔吸引大眾的目光,引起討論,甚至造成蒐集風潮。 但有好評就一定會有壞評,本研究的目的是想了解消費者是如何看待這些企業公仔,哪些特質會引起消費者的好感?哪些原因又激起消費者厭惡? 藉由質性研究方法,以關鍵事件技術為主,輔以次級資料的蒐集,與先前研究的架構,試圖找出讓消費者喜歡或不喜歡的關鍵因素。 最後研究結果發現,外型是女性消費者第一喜歡的主要因素,消費者經驗則是引起男性消費者對公仔有好感的主要原因。引起消費者對企業公仔反感的原因在於現在企業大量的使用公仔,反而讓消費者產生公仔騙錢的感受。這些都是企業在使用、經營公仔時須注意的事項。
Since 2004, 7 eleven first introduced celebrity characters in promotional campaigns and gain successful result, more and more companies started to develop their own spokes-characters or use celebrity characters in marketing. These spokes-characters catch publics’ eyes, and even more spokes-characters became a collecting trend. Everything has two sides. With good review, there must be a bad one. This research tends to understand how consumers perceived spokes-characters. What factors have positive or negative effect to consumers’ attitude? This study use qualitative method, critical incidents technique, to probe the questions, and previous research framework to construct the feedback form respondents. The result found that appearance is the main factors affect female consumers, while consumers experience for male consumers. Negative factors is mainly due to the over-use of spokes-characters, which makes consumers feel cheating. Companies need to understand what makes a spokes-character likable and dislikable to build a good image for the spokes-characters.