標題: 海運承攬運送業服務失敗與補救措施類型之研究-以電腦品牌B公司為例
Types of Service Failures and Recovery Measures for Ocean Freight Forwarder - A Case Study of B Computer Brand Company
作者: 陳彥華
Feng, Cheng-Min
關鍵字: 海運承攬運送業;服務失敗;補救措施;關鍵事件技術;關鍵績效指標;Ocean Freight Forwarder;Service Failure;Recovery Measure;Critical Incidents Technology;Key Performance Index
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 全球化競爭使資訊產業的營業毛利逐年降低,在激烈的經營環境下,提供運送服務的物流供應商,扮演品牌業者重要的供應鏈管理策略夥伴。現有文獻大多是以服務提供方的角度去探討如何滿足客戶的需求與改善顧客關係,鮮少以客戶端的需求角度,探討海運承攬運送業的服務關鍵要項。本文經由文獻蒐集與現況分析,第一階段根據文獻及現有指標建立構面,再利用深度訪談專家問卷的方式,重新檢視品牌業者對服務表現的關鍵績效指標。第二階段,再透過關鍵事件技術分析法,蒐集過去三年案例公司的服務失敗與相對應的補救措施,以審視後的評鑑項目為基礎,進行項目的歸納分析,其次發放內部問卷進行調查。 研究結果顯示服務補救措施中「船班出發/抵達時間準確性」、「窗口服務處理能力」、「貨物艙位供給能力」與「提供額外艙位需求」、「訂艙回覆的效率」、「貨物動態報表正確性」等7項,是使用者不滿意與影響繼續使用服務的關鍵項目。同時亦發現服務失敗影響程度、滿意度及忠誠度間存在的相關性。本研究進而研擬管理意涵,包括評鑑方式的設定,與服務合約等,提供品牌業者或海運承攬運送業改善供應鏈效率協同運作管理之參考。
As computer brand company is drifting towards globalization by term of supply chain efficiency, its manufacturer and consumer is linked by the 3RD party logistics , which is to play a key role to accomplish logistics of supply chain. Meantime, freight forwarder is asked to provide high quality service such as Time-To-Market and On-Time Delivery, which become a strategic partenship of it. However, there’re failures occurred due freight forwarder during service throughput such as schedule delay, limited space and contact service etc.In order to what and which key items to impact customers mostly among types of service failures and crossponsding recovery measures,the Critical Incident Technology (CIT) is to employ in a case study of B computer brand company. According to literatures, service failure is inevitable to occur from service providers, however, they can take proper, in -time recovery measures to not only recover the customer satisfaction but also results to higher customer loyalty afterwards. The purpose of this study is to give a structural analysis on types of service failures and recovery measures for ocean freight forwarder by CIT approach in case of B Company. Totally 508 failures due ocean freight forwarder for past years were collected and categorized to 14 categories, so as to present results of investigation regarding to satisfaction levels and propensity to switch behavior afer recovery measures, of which 6 items are critical for setting priority of key performance indexes as well as management implications to improve service.