标题: 推荐来源对使用学术电子书意愿之影响
Recommendation Sources on the Intention to Use E-Books in Academic Digital Libraries
作者: 金扬杰
Chin, Yang-Chieh
Lin, Chiun-Sin
Tzeng, Gwo-Hshiung
关键字: 推荐来源;电子书;使用意愿;优势约略理论;流网络图;Recommendation Source;E-Book;Behavioral Intention;Dominance-based Rough Set Approach;Flow Network Graph
公开日期: 2010
摘要: 过去许多研究多半在探讨使用学术电子书的意愿会受到何种推荐的直接影响,显少有学者比较不同推荐来源(口碑推荐、广告推荐、专家推荐)是否对于使用学术电子书的意愿产生不同程度的影响效果。本研究以数位图书馆之学术电子书为探讨对象,了解使用者在不同推荐来源之下,对其自身欲使用学术电子书的意愿,并以知觉信任与知觉风险担任中介变数。研究问卷发放于382位数位图书馆之使用者,年龄层介于18至25岁,询问其在不同的推荐来源之下,对此项推荐所感受到的信任与风险程度,以及其对使用学术电子书意愿之看法。首先藉由回归分析指出,三种不同的推荐效果均对使用学术电子书之意愿产生正向影响,此外,口碑推荐最可提升使用者之知觉信任,以及最能降低其风险之感受性;第二阶段分析利用优势约略理论与流网络图来产生影响使用学术电子书意愿之最具代表性的规则。根据研究结果,本研究将提出学理上与实务上之建议,并可供后续相关研究加以参考与延伸。
Few library studies have investigated recommendation classifications for e-book (electronic book) usage, whereas none have directly compared which recommendation sources (word-of-mouth recommendations, advertising recommendations, and expert recommendations) might influence e-book usage intentions. To fill this gap in the literature, the main purpose of this study is to examine how users perceive the influence of recommendations in their intentions to use e-books for academic purposes. Data for this study were collected from 382 academic digital library users between the ages of 18 and 25. Firstly, a multiple regression analysis was conducted to identify the key causal relationships. A comparison of three recommendation sources (word-of-mouth recommendations, advertising recommendations, and expert recommendations) revealed that word-of-mouth (WOM) recommendations played a more important role than other recommendations did in determining the intention to use e-books in an academic digital library. The results also showed that enhancing the perceived trust and reducing risk in the use of e-books can mediate the relationship between recommendation sources and customers’ behavioral intentions to use e-books. The second analysis of this study is grounded in the taxonomy of induction-related activities using the dominance-based rough set approach (DRSA), a rule-based decision-making technique, to infer the behavioral intention of using e-book decision rules; then uses a flow network graph, a path-dependent approach, to infer decision rules and variables; and finally presents the relationships between rules and different kinds of behavioral intentions. Practical and research implications are also offered.


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