標題: 美麗產業之創新服務
Innovational Service of Beauty Industry
作者: 王冠文
Wang, Kuan-Wen
Tong, Lee-Ing
Chang, Yung-Chia
關鍵字: 美麗產業;創新;情境故事;決策樹;集群分析;Beauty Industry;Innovation;Scenario Approach;Decision Tree;Cluster Analysis
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本研究主要目的係探討台灣消費者對於美麗產業的需求與其消費特性,提出台灣美麗產業未來可能發展之創新產品或服務,藉此提升美麗相關產業之競爭力。由於開發新產品成功的關鍵在於是否能夠精確的掌握消費者的需求與喜好,情境故事法(Scenario Approach)為「使用者導向」之產品創新設計方法,適合用來探索使用者需求與新產品開發。因此,本研究首先應用問卷調查方式蒐集台灣消費者對於美麗產業相關活動之資料,利用集群分析法(Cluster Analysis)將台灣消費者分成三大族群:「活出自我」、「追求認同」及「形象至上」族群,分別探討各美麗族群之特性,再利用情境故事法使用接近真實族群的虛擬角色進行創新美麗產業之發想,針對三大美麗族群分別提出適合各族群之創新美麗產品或服務。本研究最後再以決策樹(Decision Tree)建構美麗族群之分群規則,並以VBA(Visual Basic For Applications)程式語言將分群規則予以程式化,以便美麗相關業者能依消費者之資料迅速判斷其所屬的美麗族群,以及適合向其推廣之創新美麗產品或服務。本論文之研究方法及結果可供發展美麗相關之創新產業業者參考,有助於台灣美麗產業相關創新產品或服務之開發與推廣。
The main objective of this study is to present an analysis of innovated products and services for beauty industry based on the needs and consumer behaviors of Taiwanese consumers. The ability of capturing consumers’ needs and interests is the key to success for developing new products. Scenario approach is user-oriented strategy for new product design. Scenario approach can be utilized to identify the market demands. This study utilized the questionnaires to collect the information of Taiwanese consumers regarding the beauty products and services. According to Cluster Analysis, Taiwanese consumers can be classified into one of the three categories – self awareness, social acceptance, and self image promotion. After that, combining the survey result of Taiwanese consumers and the scenario approach, “Dream Stage”, “Eco Beauty Center”, and “Fitness Monitor”, are the innovational products that cater to the three consumer categories. Finally, using the decision tree model and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to classify a new consumers to one of the three beauty clusters. It can promote the innovational products and services effectively. The result of this study suggests innovational products and services suitable for each consumer cluster. It’s also provides good references for future study, industrial products and services development.