標題: 物流委外服務關鍵成功因素分析之研究
An Analysis of Key Success Factors and Strategic Positioning of Third-Party Logistics Services in Taiwan
作者: 洪浚哲
關鍵字: 物流服務;委外;關鍵成功要素;因子分析;集群分析;3rd party logistics services;outsourcing;KSFs;factor analysis;cluster analysis
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 本研究主要探討我國委外物流服務之關鍵成功要素與委外物流服務提供者之策略定位,進而對物流服務之提供者提出發展上的策略建議。 本研究首先探討委外物流服務的相關文獻以及目前台灣地區委外物流服務業之現況。本研究藉由問卷調查與因子分析法,歸納出物流服務的九項關鍵成功要素,再以集群分析將樣本區分為標準第三方物流服務、服務發展、顧客適應、顧客發展四個服務策略群組,並界定出各群組對應的關鍵成功要素。經過專家訪談與廠商問卷調查,本研究得出十二家物流服務提供者的策略定位,以及各群組要素需求水準與實際達成程度之要素評分,並以t檢定來檢驗各策略群組之要素差距顯著性,以瞭解其要素掌握程度之充足與否。 研究結果顯示,標準第三方物流服務群組在配送能力與彈性方面掌握程度不足;服務發展群組在創新服務能力與服務附加價值創造能力方面掌握程度不足;顧客適應群組在服務互動關係方面掌握程度不足;顧客發展群組在服務附加價值創造能力方面掌握程度不足。整體來說,在國際化運籌與服務能力、服務附加價值創造能力、創新服務能力與客製化能力上,是我國委外物流服務提供者掌握程度不足而應加強之項目。
This thesis focuses on an analysis of key success factors (KSFs) and strategic positioning of Taiwan’s third-party logistics services industry. Attempts are made to provide recommendations to domestic logistics services providers for development strategies of the industy. The study firstly made a review of outsourcing literature and researched on the current status of logistics outsourcing market in Taiwan. A survey on KSFs of logistics outsourcing services was conducted and nine KSFs were identified by factor analysis. A cluster analysis was then taken to generate four strategic groups and their associated KSFs were also classified in the four segments. By experts’ opinions and surveys of logistics providers, we identified the strategic positioning and KSFs’ scores of twelve logistics providers. The KSFs of each strategic group were further examined by t-test to verify the differences. The research has concluded that the four unmet factors of domestic logistics providers, and these are The service ability of internationalized logistics, The ability to create service-added value, The ability of service innovation, and The service ability of customerization.