標題: 影響台灣地區產業選擇第三者國際儲運服務因素之研究
A Case Study of the Factors Influencing the Choice of International Third-party Logistic Service by Taiwan Manufacturers
作者: 黃如舜
Huang, Ju-Shun
關鍵字: 第三者儲運服務;委外;合約儲運;區別分析;Third-party logistics;Outsourcing;Contract logistics;Discriminant analysis
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 台灣地區產業已從電腦產業開始掀起全球儲運管理(Global logistics)之 趨勢,對於第三者儲運服務(Third-party logistics)之需求也隱然浮現 。近年來,國內、國際市場愈趨狹小(買方市場化),企業為提高競爭力就 不得不實施變革既有的銷售政策。在此階段企業在國際儲運活動方面儼然 要求較低之成本,並朝向建立與確保高速性、正確性、多頻率性,多樣少 量之儲運管理系統,以提高國際的競爭力。事實上,貨主企業的儲運活動 管理之發展,單一企業獨立完成之儲運活動,已漸漸不符合經濟效益;跨 企業之儲運服務逐漸抬頭。有關於國際儲運活動之委外,在歐洲、美國等 先進地區已受到重視。本研究鑑於經營績效較佳之廠商,對於國際儲運活 動較具有策略性之考量,因此以中華徵信所於1997年所調查台灣地區「製 造業企業經營績效綜合指標前500名」之製造商為主要研究對象,進行問 卷調查。主要的研究主題為:影響選擇第三者國際儲運服務之交互影響因 素、運用第三者國際儲運服務之主要形態與運用第三者國際儲運服務之主 要理由。主要採用之分析方法包括次數分配、區別分析、單因素等第變異 量分析與卡方檢定。本研究認為產業因本身產品與行業之『風險與責任』 、與『服務與成本抵換關係』策略性之考量,研擬其是否集中於本身較具 附加價值,『向心關鍵性』的經營理念,以獲取較高之利潤,並運用『資 訊科技』整合整個供應鏈,進行適度之資訊透明化,加強上下游之『市場 關係』,提升整個pipe line之經營效率,創造整個供應鏈與顧客多贏之 局面。業者在其經營策略中實有必要加以考量儲運活動的運作方式,對於 委外之考量亦可從這五個構面加以思考。台灣地區產業之國際儲運活動產 品複雜度越高,越傾向於採取設備、操作、倉儲功能委外之決定;流程複 雜度越低,越傾向於採取設備、操作、倉儲功能委外之決定;網路複雜度 越高,越傾向於採取設備、操作、倉儲、行政資訊功能委外之決定。另若 將焦點集中於其核心競爭能力時,越傾向於採取倉儲功能委外之決定。其 產品本身之危險性較低時,較傾向於採取場站管理功能委外之決定。相較 於服務方面,較重視成本面時,則傾向於採取倉儲功能、場站管理與規劃 功能委外之決定。又其本身資訊系統較為簡單,並不需太多人力的投入時 ,較傾向於採取於規劃功能、操作功能、行政資訊、運輸功能與設備功能 委外之決定。若維持其本業市場關係之需求較低時,也較傾向於採取操作 功能委外之決定。 Currently there is a tendency in global logistics triggered by the Computer Industry in Taiwan which unconsciously gave rise to the need to use so-called Third-party Logistics Service. Recently, due to the shrinking of international and domestic markets, it is inevitable for enterprises to change their sales policies to enhance their global competence. At this stage, they need to set up a timely, cost-effective, multi frequency and sophisticated logistics operational system in order to cut costs in global logistics functions. Actually, by developing their own logistics systems, individual shippers will lose economic benefits. The logistics services have become the glue which holds multinational manufacturing and merchandising companies together, especially in Europe and America at this moment.Based on the assumption that manufacturers who regard logistics functions as a strategy will produce good results, we mailed our questionnaires to those manufacturers who performed well in Taiwan for investigation. This study used the following statistical methodologies: Frequency distribution, Discriminant Analysis, Kruskal-Wallis One-way Anova and Chi-squared test, and it examined the interactive key factors in affecting choice about international third-party logistics services.I conclude that global enterprises should consider 'Risk Liability and Control' and 'Cost/Service issue' as strategy issues; consider whether the philosophy of added value 'Centrality/Criticality' will reap higher profits; use state-of-the-art 'Information Service' techniques to integrate the whole supply chain in the manner of information transparency; and enhance the 'Market Relationship' to promote the operational effectiveness of complete pipelines which will ultimately create multiple party benefits. The enterprise should consider how to implement a logistical strategy that includes the above-mentioned five dimensions.This study found that the more complex production and networking were and the less complex processing was, the more chance for a company to make the outsourcing decisions of 'Equipment Function', 'Handling Function' and 'Warehousing Function'. In respect to the five dimensions of logistical strategy influencing the outsourcing of logistics functions, the following relationships were observed: 'Centrality/Criticality' to 'Warehousig Function; 'Risk Liability and Control' to 'Terminal Related'; 'Cost/Service Issue' to 'Warehousing Fuction', 'Terminal Related' and 'Planning Function'; 'Information Service' to 'Planning Function', 'Handling Function', 'Administration and Information Functions', 'Transportation Functions' and 'Equipment Function'; and 'Market Relationship' to 'Handling Function' respectively.