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dc.contributor.authorHsu, Jen-Haoen_US
dc.contributor.authorChung, Shu-Hsingen_US
dc.description.abstract彩色濾光片為TFT-LCD五大關鍵零組件之一,彩色濾光片專業廠在排程規劃上除須面對種類繁雜之訂單以外,需考量順序相依換線時間、光罩與機台之搭配問題。此外,尚須及玻璃、光阻液等材料成本之節省。針對流程式生產之特性下,本文考量上述之限制,發整出一套「主生產排程建構機制」,讓決策者作為排程規劃之參考依據。 本機制先將訂單依交期分類,以採變動式規劃週期方式,求解整個規劃幅度之排程。本機制分為兩個模組,首先,「產能估算」模組考量機台產能與光罩可用數量,初步檢視生產系統能否滿足訂單需求,進而轉入「主生產排程規劃模組」。此模組以滿足達交率為目標,考量系統環境限制,包含順序相依換線問題、光罩配置問題等,建構混整數規劃模式執行求解,並且針對淡、旺季時,分別對光阻液節省及採用玻璃規格替代所需耗損之玻璃,提出不同模式進行求解,以達到降低成本之目標,規劃出各產品別於各規劃週期內之最佳生產順序及光罩配置結果。 實例驗証的結果表示,本文考量瓶頸機台產能、光罩資源限制及順序相依換線問題,求解出最佳生產排程以及光罩與機台最適配置結果。此外,在專業廠面臨產能吃緊之情況下,進行「玻璃規格替代」,藉此減少延遲之發生;反之,產能有剩餘之情況下,在滿足所有訂單交期之前提下,有效的降低光阻液之耗費。最後,本文在設定之產品種類限制下,求解最適之產品組合,以作為專業廠承接訂單之承包策略。整體而言,本文所提出之模式,應用於實務之環境限制下,其能有效地降低生產成本,讓專業廠更具競爭力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractColor filter (CF) is one of the five critical components for the thin-film-transistor liquid-crystal-display (TFT-LCD), The CF-specialized factory adopts flow shop manufacturing and takes various orders from customers. It thus must consider the characristics of sequence dependent setup time in mask allocation and machine scheduling problems. Besides, material saving, including glasses and photoresists, can also be considered in scheduling. This thesis considers above characteristics and proposes a mechanism regarding to master production schedule (MPS) for deciding schedules. This mechanism classifies orders by due dates so as to solve schedules for each planning period. The mechanism consists of two modules. First, "capacity estimation module” checks the available capacity of machines and the quantity of masks to see if the capacity and masks can satisfy the demand of orders. Then, for maximizing delivery rate, “master production schedule module” constructs a mixed integer programming model to solve the scheduling problem with consideration of sequence dependence setup time and the available units of masks. For cost reduction, this module further proposes two models for photoresists savings and for minimizing tardy jobs by glasses substitution respectively. Experimental studies reveal that suitable production schedules can be found with the proposed mechanism. When the CF-specialized factory lacks of capacity, it will apply the glasses substitution model to reduce tardiness of orders. On the contrary, when it has enough capacity, the saving of material cost can be derived on the premise of satisfying due dates of all orders by running photoresists saving model. Moreover, this mechanism proposed can be used to determine the optimal product mix under the restriction that the total number of product types are fixed so as to make the suggestion in order taking for the specialized factories. Thus, this thesis proposes a mechanism that is practical in effectively cost reduction and in raising the competitiveness for the CF factories.en_US
dc.subjectColor Filter Specialized factoryen_US
dc.subjectFlow shopen_US
dc.subjectequence dependent setup timeen_US
dc.subjectMixed integer programmingen_US
dc.subjectglasses substitutionen_US
dc.titleThe Scheduling of Master Production Plan for Specialized Color Filter Contractorsen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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